fitascanb24 19 years, 5 months ago

12/15/04. I am so frustrated but practing patience in the meantime. I contacted Dr. Schweitzer's office over a month and a half ago requesting a consultation. However, to date have not received a response or an acknowledgement or receipt. I am trying to practice patience but I must admit it's been rather frustrating. His office is right here in my area and I've read is website repeatedly. I was hoping that by now I would've received some kind of response. Oh well. Somewhere out there is the right Doctor for the job that I need, so I'll continue to learn more about Bariatric SurgeryI have waiting for about one month and half for a consultation with Dr. Schweitzer at Johns Hopkins Bayview. I have a friend who is willing to go with me to some support groups in the meantime.

summewe 19 years, 5 months ago

Rosemarie - Welcome to OH! Please join us on the MD board for local support and friendship. -- Wendy
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Baltimore, Md
Dec 14, 2004
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