So Far...

Apr 08, 2009

According ot the hospital scale 2 days ago, I have lost 32 pounds in about 3 weeks.  That's pretty good.  My home scale is 12 pounds heavier than the hospital scale, so I will go with the hospital!  I have my first f/u with Dr. Sndruss on the 15th, one day before my 30 day surgiversary.  It will be exciting to see what her scale says.

This has been harder than I thought.  Sometimes my pouch doesn't want anything in it, yet I am hungry.  Sometimes I've just eaten and am dying of thrist but my pouch is full and I am not supposed to drink.  Sometimes I want lots of food I am not supposed to have!  And it's around because of the kids!  I admit that I've had a few doritos, a sip of beer and some soft serve.  The soft serve made me sick so I won't be doing that again.

My main incision has been a little open on one end and draining.  It had yellow gunk in it was and was red and hot so I called and got an antibiotic.  My friend suggested that I use 4/4's and paper tape since some of hte redness was likely due to the bandaides I was using. She was right and it looks better.  I'm still covering it with the 4x4 because the gauze has debrided it some. 

I'm out and about and doing whatever I want.  I haven't gone to the gym yet.  By the end of the day I am exhausted.  I really can't move hardly at all,.  Next week I will start walking more, but I've had lots of regular daily activitiy.  Plus I need time to heal.  I didn't realize until after i was out of surgery that I had a MAJOR surgery done.  I kept thinking it would be no big deal, but it is a big deal.  Your innards are different.  Forever.  I dreamed of having this surgery for years and years and now it is a reality.  I still keep having quiet fears that it isnt' going to work.  There will be something weird with me and I'll lose 25 pounds and then that's it, I don't want to be model skinny, just normal so I can do normal things and not be over the weight limit or too fat to participate and embarress my kids. 


About Me
St. George, UT
Dec 02, 2005
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