Can't Walk Due To Weight, Still on WLS Waiting List

Jun 09, 2014

BMI about 60/ Weight about 370 lbs. 

Due to Spinal Fusion, 17 years post surgery, and my current weight, my nerves/sciatica are causing me not to be able to walk without a lot of assistance - for the past 3 weeks. If it's not one thing it's another *sigh*

I had a ct-scan to see if I have spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spine) due to the scoliosis/spinal fusion/ or weight gain ... I'm starting physical therapy tomorrow and trying to see about aquatic therapy in the local YMCA. Their lift for those in a wheelchair that want to use the pool is 450 lbs. which is a blessing. I'm currently using a walker for short distances, and a wheelchair for long (I need someone with me 100% of the time)

I couldn't finish the binge eating disorder clinic because of my mobility disability. But I am still thinking of things I *can* do like online and phone meetings of Overeaters Anonymous. I hope things go well for me... my back doctor basically told me if I don't lose weight I won't be walking at all and might die. Also he would never be able to do a surgery on me at this weight - I would die on the operating table or I would have 90% chance of complications at this weight.

That's scary - I'm still on a waiting list for either Albany Medical Center Albany NY (Ellis isn't sure they'll accept someone with binge eating disorder into the WLS program) or Dr. Graber Utica NY. I have an appointment with AMC on July 3rd... hopefully I can start the process but they want me to lose 10% of my body weight first... I can understand why and all but I can't walk, I hope the nutritionist can help me out with that.... Dr Graber has a 9 month waiting list for medicaid (which I'm on since I'm disabled, because of my weight mostly at the moment) 

Still my fiance and family have been very supportive while I'm immobile - my family has taken me in and my uncle says he'll help if I need to go to Albany Med the 2 months I need to heal (well critically...) I hope things go well, my fiance is a binge eater as well so that's going to be complicated, even though he is supportive and wants to get healthy  - he doesn't have the health problems I do, no where near them. So hopefully it'll be enough to change (?) Because I have to change, there is no: if's, and's, or but's... about it - I have to change something. 


 ~ Getting ready to do what I can ~

