for I am fearfully and wonderfully made...                                               
My Story is not much different than all the rest.  After reading 100's of stories on OH I have come to the conclusion that all obese people think the same and have the same feelings.  We all want to sit in a chair comfortably, bend over to tie our shoes, cross our legs and  to feel better about ourselves.  Whether we have health issues now or later we all have the desire to have different lifestyles than what we are living now.  How we got to where we are is what makes us uniquely different.  
I have a wonderful life and I have the greatest family in the world.  Without their loving support I would not be able to go on this journey( thanks to you all).  I have not always been obese but I have always struggled with my weight.  The past 10 years have been terrible for me as far as my weight goes I am at my all time high.  I have had enough and now it's time for a change.  I am sooooooo looking forward  to my new life.  I know it won't be easy and everyday will be a challenge, but it it is one I am ready to take on.  I rest in God's promise in Phil. 4:13 it says "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
I can't say that I am not nervous about the surgery, but I have the finest surgeon and I am in Gods hand so there is no doing any better than that .  I had a dear friend give me a scripture to keep in my heart as I walk thru this and it is 
Psalms 4:8  In peace I will both lie down and sleep,For thou alone, O Lord, dost make me dwell in safety. (Thanks Sue)
It is wonderful to have friends who know just the right thing to say.  I may not have a lot of friends but the ones I do have are "true grit".
                                               And Now, My Journey
8/30/07 Pre Op- It began at 9:00 and was over at 3:15.  It began with speakers from Dr. Jawad's team.  A brief  introduction from the office administrator,  then the nutrionalist, physical therapist, clinical coordinator, the drs. assistant, and then Dr. Jawad himself.

It was extremely long but full of information.  We had to bring our caregiver with us and I bought two.  My husband and my sister. We then saw the doctor privately .  I was informed that I have gallstones.  Dr. Jawad said that I would need to wait until I had lost some weight before he could remove my gallbladder.  Darn it!  It would have been nice to do it all at once.  He knows best.  Afterall, he is 3rd in the nation.  Which I have to say is very comforting.  I feel so fortunate to have him as my physician.

Okay, once we did the office visit we then had to go to ORMC to pre-register.  By then it was late there were 8 of us and the ladies in registration were very nice even though we were keeping them from getting off work. I had blood drawn, urine test, EKG and chest xrays.  I felt at that point like herded cattle and a one of the techs made me feel like she definately was ready to go home.   I  was the last patient.  I thought I would feel excited about my day  but ended up feeling alienated and very tired.  Glad to be home.

Let's talk about diet...  Once I made the final decision that I was going to have WLS and my financing was approved it was like I would have eaten anything that did not eat me first. What the heck was that all about?  The "last meal syndrome " I guess.  Needless to say,  that did not last too long because 2 weeks prior to surgery I had to replace 2 meals with  high protein low carb shakes and then eat one high protein meal.  It was difficult at times but I tried hard to stay on the plan.  The day before surgery was the usual pre op plan, clear liquids and nothing after midnight.

 Let's talk about family... I have always had loving support from all my family no matter what decisions I have ever made.  I know this particular decision has been hard on each and everyone of them.  I knew it would be.  They could not love me more.  I could not even begin to express my love for them... A love that can't be measured!  They are the very reason that I chose to do this.  I have been blessed with four grandchildren and another one on the way.  I want to see them grow up.  I really feel that I may not have been able to that without this surgery.   Not only would I benefit from a longer healthier life, but I would be able to give back to my husband the wife that he married.  We will be able to do & see things , the stuff that being overweight hinders one from doing.  I am so excited  about that.  Watch out world!
Thanks to my most Precious Family, I love you.

Let's talk friends... Now, this particular subject has opened my eyes.  What friendships I already had, has been deepend.  I said in my story that I may not have many but the ones I have are true grit.  And they are.  My phone has not stopped ringing with well wishes.  Flowers and cards brighten my somewhat uncomfortable day. Then there are the friends that I didn't know would care as much as they do. What a blessing true friends are!   
I can't forget to mention all my new found friendships on obesity help and Dr. Jawad's forum and my fellow wls mates. They have been my source of information and encouragement.  And last but not least... there's an angel sent by Dr. J. who I felt an instant connection to.  I cannot thank her enough for being there for me when I needed her most.  A true angel indeed!

The day 9/12/07- I was really surprised to find that I was not that nervous.  Got to the hospital a few minutes after 7:00am.  Vitals were good.  Talked to anethesiologist and things went quite fast after that.   Next thing I remember was being in recovery room getting hits of morphine.
Once my pain level was down off to my room where my wonderful group of cheerleaders anxiously await.   I felt better that I thought, of course hospital drugs are great.  My mouth was so dry I could hardly speak.  Sucked on ice chips and that hepled a lot. I was glad to have it over.   I was up and walking that afternoon.  I did not get much sleep that night.  Not because of pain but because I was still excited and when I did finally sleep someone came in checking something.  The second day was not so good.  Removal of the nasal tube and foley catheter was the first on the list that day.  I was glad to get rid of those annoying things,  My throat felt a lot better.  The nurses were all wonderful especially the night time nurse, Joi.  The nutrionalist dropped by the room.  I  got a visit from my angel Jan and she got to meet my husband and daughter, so that was really nice.  Oh yeah, the leak test...that was awful.  It took forever to get the results from that.  Once they did it was boom time to check out of this joint.  Home instructions were given... and a quick visit from  Dr. J and I am off. The ride home was uneventful, thank goodness for the pillow.  Family was anxiously waiting on my return and I was looking forward to the start of my new life.

One thing I have to say... there is such power in prayer!!!  As friends and family found out of my plans to have the surgery I could feel the prayers.  There is so much comfort in knowing and feeling that God is in complete control.  Relying on God  is what has brought me thru this and of course the love of my awesome family.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 17, 2007
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 2
My Journal
