Mar 20, 2011

I posted pics of myself. I don't like taking pics of any kind so it was hard for me to do. I have lost a little over 40 lbs so far and until this afternoon I hadn't seen the lost. I took some pics in the mirror, they are bad, and I see a little something. I know 40 lbs is nothing to turn my head up at. But I will get more excited when I have lost 60 lbs. For some reason 60 sounds like a really great number. So I will start taking pics here and there so I can compare for the next year. Who knows I may start to like cameras as much as my husband.

SW: 286
HW: 286
CW: 245.2
GW: 145/150


Whats up with me??

Feb 16, 2011

It has been two months since I have been sleeved. And I have lost 32 pounds. I am happy that I have lost 32 lbs, but I can't help the feelings I have been having that I should be so much further. I feel I should be at least at a 50 lb lost right now. I have joined a gym and I have been going every other day to workout and I have been trying to tone at home for about 30 mins on days I have not gone to the gym. So I weigh myself every morning. Not to beat up on myself but to keep track of where I am. So the past few weeks have looked like this, 255.8 255 254.2 255.8 255 254.8, WHAT THE HELL! I should at least be in the 240 range by now. I need help, I hope working out in the gym a hour every other day starts to payoff . Is it possible to have lost 32 lbs of water weight?? I know that sounds silly, but that's how I feel.


Feb 07, 2011

I joined a gym, again. I have equipment at home but I just don't can't seem use them like I want too. But good news the gym cost $7.95 a month. Can you believe that? And it 's like 5 mins from my house, I can't beat that. My weight has started to move again but very slow. I think it is the exercise or may I say lack of. My first workout will be in the morning before my workday begin.

HW: 286
SW: 286
CW: 255.6 (-30.4)



Jan 23, 2011

           So it has been a little over a month since I've been sleeved. I seem to have gone through a stall for about two weeks. I was going nuts. At one point it looked like I put on 2-6 pounds how the HELL is the possible eating only 400-800 cals a day? Therefore I stopped getting on the scale for a while and keep doing what I was doing during the 25lb lost. I got on the scale Friday and it look like I am back around 261. I know I am still new to this but is it possible for this not to work for me??? I want this to work, I need this to work and I pray for it to work for me. And if that wasn't enough for my mind to handle right now. My husband and I were talking about where I plan to be size wise. Well I really don't know where I would to be as far as size. I would  like to shop in places like Learner NY, Kenneth Cole and H&M. Well he tells me that he would like for me to get down to a size 8, that would be good for him. REALLY? That would be good for you? I love the man, but that shocked me. He has never said anything about my size/weight ever. Where did this come from? When we meet I was 245, yeah I was about 40 smaller but I was not anywhere near a size 4. I guess this is new for us all. But when will my mind stop playing tricks on me? I can't stop thinking about my current weight-loss or the lack of.


Jan 09, 2011

                                                                            Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!

          So I was sleeved 12/14/10 and let me tell you it wasn't so bad. I did have to stay in the hospital a extra day because I was running a temp. I did a lot of walking, walking, walking. I was able to get liquids down right away without any problems from day one. Thank God. I did have some pain near the drain site, but didn't find out why until my first visit with my doc four days later. I had a build-up of bad blood collecting in a huge pocket in my abdomen. My doc made a little cut above the area and my God the fluid causing me so much pain was finally released. I felt better right away! I have had no other issues since. I eat about 1/2 cup of food at each of my meals and I am able to drink 64oz or more a day. But I have found that I think about food and eating WAY more then I did before the surgery. I am always checking the clock so that I don't let 5 hrs pass without eating. With my line  of work I can not eat my whole workday and I work 12, 13 hr days sometimes. So my staff think something is up now that they see me running to the kitchen to eat something, let alone drinking every minute I can.
           I decided not to let anyone know what I was doing on my job my time away from work. People have so much negative and smart ass things to say about things they don't understand or have encountered before. So I figure I will just keep it to myself and save myself some upset.  But I did share my plans with a few family members. My brothers did not want me to have it done. "You don't need to lose any weight. You don't even look that big." Really??  SW 286 at 5'9" They know how hard it has been for me to diet and try to keep it off. My mom has been my rock. She read up on VSG and has supported me from the start. What would we do without our moms. My husband , what can I say about this wonderful man. He loves me however and he support me in whatever I want to do. I have been blessed with this guy.
           I have been eating well and drinking well, but workouts. I have not worked out yet. I know I need to and soon. The sooner I start the easier it will be to do it everyday. I will make this happen.
                                I wish everyone a great new year and happy losing.

SW:286     CW:261.5   GW:145/150

Lost: 24.5 since 12/14/10



Nov 04, 2010

I HAVE A DATE!! 12/14/2010 I can't believe this it is really happening. I got the call about eight hours ago. I could have flipped out in front of all of my co-workers, but I kept it together.(Not that they know what I am doing.) Is there any tips for a newbie?

Filed for approval...

Oct 13, 2010

Sooooo I made my final program payment and submitted my request for approval from Aetna. Now I wait . I pray that it is approved. I have been over weight all my life and I have been working hard almost the whole time. I would love to work hard and see some results. A little at least. Anyway we went over my lab work and found that my vitamin D is low. Not a lot but enough that I have to take steps to improve my levels. I guess I haven't been getting enough sun. I am going to take a few walks outside a couple times a week from now on, instead of staying in the house on the elliptical. It's so hard to figure out the right amount of food, exercise, work, play, etc. Such a balancing act .  I will put it in the lords hands, he will work it out and help me with my well power. I hope all is well with everyone out there in OH land.

Almost there...

Aug 22, 2010

Because of the type of insurance I have a three month physician-supervised time has been required. I am in the last few weeks of it and I have not been back and forth to a doctors office so much in my life in such a short period of time. And the out of pocket money, OMG!! I didn't know I could piece together some of the funds where there was no funds. But I will not let money be the reason I don't do this for myself. I have taken care of my family and others first for ,many many years. Now it's time for me to get my health under control. But it is not easy or cheap. Finding a part-time job in MD has to be a myth because I have been looking for the last six months without a interview. I have also put off all of my testing until now, but they will be done this Wednesday. So that leaves me with attending a group meeting and my final appt. with my doc and the nut. I hope to have a date in Oct or early Nov. I want to be myself around the holidays. Not for the food, for the family it would suck feel ill with family around. Plus I will need all of my energy for all the questions and judgment. Some in the family are not soooo supportive of my choice. But I will break the FAT trend my family has going on. My VSG is the tool I am needing to reach my goal of 140-150 lbs. I will get there.

SW: 280LBS 06/26/10
CW: 278LBS 08/22/10


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 19, 2010
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