Aug 07, 2010

Well....I'm not exactly sure when it happened..but when I stepped on the scale yesterday morning....I nearly cried....for the first time in probably 25 years my weight started with a 1...  195lbs to be exact.  Words can not even begin to describe how I felt at that very moment.  In fact, it was hard to believe. I had to step on and off the scale several times just to make sure it was not a mistake.  LOL...

The excitment that I felt was over whelming.  OMG...I weight 195 lbs.  10 more pounds and will have lost 100lbs. HOLY CRAP!!  and only 45lbs from goal.

I went shopping today and bought some new clothes.  I am now in a size 12.  Yes thats right... a FREAKIN SIZE 12!!!!   From a 20/22 to a 12 in 6 months.  WOO HOO!!

To celebrate the occasion my hubby brought me a beautiful dozen of roses.  He is sooo proud of me. 


Quick Update

May 24, 2010

Its been a while since I posted, but to be honest, life has just been to busy since the weight had been coming off. I have more energy to get out and about and live life. 

To date I have lost a total of 64lbs.  I feel GREAT!  I have gone from a size 20/22 to a size 16.  Can even get into some 14's. I can buy clothes from the REGULAR side of the store.  WOOT WOOT!!  LIFE IS GRAND!

I seem to be be doing ok with my protein intake on most day.  Some days I do struggle but I make it up in the evening with a protein shake if I have fallen short with food during the day.  Water intake is ok.  I can do fine if I am at home messing around here, but if i am out and a bout for the day I tend to let my water intake suffer.  I have been working on that.  

As for exercise, I walk 3-5 miles most days.  I have just been introduced to Zumba and I love it!  Talk about a workout...woo weee! 

Food wise I have been able to tolerate most all foods.  I truly have trouble with breakfast only because I am not a food in the morning person.  I have to realy force myself to eat something or before I know it, its noon and I still have not eaten.

Had a small (3oz) filet Mignon at Texas road House over the weekend,  it was sooo good.  Was feeling it when we left and I know that I almost over did it,  Thank goodness that I didn't. 

I have not been sick one single timeso that makes me very happy.  

Vitamins:  Not having any trouble in this area. Was trying to figure it all out on my own and thought I was doing very good with what I was taking, but as I researched the forums here I realized that I was not quiet on target with some of my vits and supps so I ordered some vitamins and supplements from vitalady.  She really knows her stuff when it comes to us RNYers.

I have my 3 month followup on June 2nd. i will also have my 3 months labs drawn then. I am curious to see how I am doing in that department.

I am so glad that I did this for myself.  I love my RNY!!

Love and hugs 

1 comment

2 weeks post-op

Mar 15, 2010

I am 2 weeks post-op today and I feel great! So far I have lost 21lbs since day of surgery. I am so excited.  I have my 2 week checkup on Weds. 

Something that I was able to do today that I have not been able to do in a couple years was remove my wedding ring without using soap or oil to help get it off.  Won't be long before I have to get it resized.  Or better yet...A NEW wedding set...now that would ROCK


One week and one day.

Mar 09, 2010

Today I am one week and 1 day out from LAP RNY. It is also my birthday.  I am doing very well and feel amazing.  I still have some tenderness in the larger insicion but otherwise i have no pain. I have lost a total of 13lbs since day of surgery and a total of 30 since highest.  I have been walking a little more each day and even went to walmart yesterday with my mom-n-law.  Walked all around. Was pretty tired last night and little sore, so i am taking it easy today and only plan to walk around my yard some.  It is such a beautiful day. I have my follow-up appt. on the 17th.  Not having any trouble getting my protien in or my water and for that i am thankful. 

hw284 sw267 cw 254

1 comment

I am a LOSER!!

Mar 03, 2010

I am home now.  Surgery went very well.  I pleasantly surprised that i was not in a huge amount of pain when I woke up in recovery.  My Dr. said everything went great during my surgery.  It really has been an uneventful time.  I have more pain on my left side but apparently that is where the camera went in and that incision is about 2 inched long and I am bruised there.  Other wise, I have a total of 5 incision.  The only real problem I have right now is this huge amount of gas that I have.  But its moving around and i am sure it wont be long before it makes it way out.  When that happens I am sure I will be much more comfortable.  So far I have not had any trouble with my fuid intake.  I hope it remains that way.

Will update again in a few days.  Gonna go rest a bit.   Had  2 hours drive home from the hospital.  Am a bit tired.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.


The day has finally arrived!!

Feb 28, 2010

So it is the night before my surgery. I am so excited and nervous and anxious at the same time.  I will be at hospital at 530am.  My surgery is scheduled to begin at 715am.  From my understanding I should be in the OR for about 3.5 hours. So by at least 11am I will be a LOSER!! 

I will update everyone as soon as I can.

I know everything will go great.  I have much trust in God and in my surgeon.

Save a seat for me on the Loser's Bench!!


Only 4 days to go!

Feb 24, 2010

Well I had my pre-op appt and pre-surg testing done yesterday.  Everything went great.  Won't be long now.  I am so excited! 

Say a little prayer for me my OH friends. I sure would appreciate  it.


11 days to go!!

Feb 18, 2010

Well I only have 11 days to and I am getting more excited with each passing day.  I am on day 3 of my liquid diet.  First 2 days were HELL!!!  The 3rd day has been easier.  The carnation instand breakfast is really not to bad.  And thank goodness for V8 juice. 

I have a DATE!!!

Feb 15, 2010

Got a call from the scheduler this morning.  My surgery is scheduled for March 1st.  Only 2 weeks away.  OMG...its really going to happen.  I am so EXCITED, SCARED, ANXIOUS, SCARED....lol...  so many emotions but I am READY!!

I have to go on a liquid diet starting the 17th.  Not thrilled about that, but I will do whatever I have to do to make sure that my surgery is as successful as it can be with as few complications as possible. 

I am putting it in God's hands.  I trust that he will be holding my hand all the way through my journey.



Feb 12, 2010

Called my insurance company to check the status of my paperwork and was told that i ws approved on Monday.  Called the Bariatric Center and talked to the coordinator and she said she had that info in her mail box this morning. She is giving everything to the scheduler and she will call me to schedule surgery.  I excited beyond words!  WOOT WOOT!!!  

About Me
Fries, VA
Surgery Date
May 06, 2003
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