Now my closet echoes!

Sep 05, 2014

I have done round one on the purge of my closet. I filled three Rubbermaid totes, plus a garbage bag that I took to the thrift store. I don’t even want to think about the dollar value of what I’ve put into those totes!

There is a consignment store in town that I’ve used before, so one tote of the “good stuff” went there. The consignment store that I use only carries high-end labels, and I have the choice of taking cash or store credit when my items sell, so that should help to keep the cost of filling my closet somewhat lower.

The other two totes are waiting for one of my friends to come by and have a dig. With the remaining items, I found a women’s centre that has a small clothing selection for women on the job hunt, so they will go there, and there is always a need for nice, business appropriate, plus-sized clothes.

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