a bump in the road....

Dec 07, 2009


I just never realized how long it had been since I had update my blog. It's been a few months I see.

Well, for the most part I am doing great! I am down 57lbs and it's 6 months out. I feel after reading everyone elses stories my weight loss should be or could be more. I will be patient though. i am working out doing aqua fit classes 3 days a week and walking when I'm not in the pool. It would probably be more benifit to me if I increased my excersise to more, so I will look into that.

I had my appt with my new surgeon to check over my blood work and follow up with the doctor who replaced my surgeon as mine retired and so when I was there I mentioned to him that I had been having trouble keepin in my protein. It often made me sick after eating it and I had to sit still for sometimes an hour so that I made sure things had settled. Not much fun to do this as it took allot of work, time and energy. He asked me if I had ever been sick to my stomach and vomit. I told him on a few occasions I had.

He booked me for a scope to check things out. I went last week and he found a HUGE ulcer. That was the problem he figured. I am on Perriot now for 8 wks and I will go back for another one and see if this made a difference.
Has anyone else had this?

I don't really know what foods I'm eating that would cause an ulcer as I don't eat allot of foods that cause acid?
What ever it is, I do feel somewhat better. I've only had that old feeling once since the test, so we'll see.

I was wearing a size 22/24 before surgery, and now I'm in a 14/16 pant. I LOVE IT! I am in a Large top. Even my shoes are loose... haha!

Funny when people say to me, WOW you look so good. I do feel smaller, but I don't think I see what others see yet. I am working on it. I still see the old me. Mind you when I was at my heaviest, when I looked in the mirror I saw just me, that was LARGE, but not until I saw a picture of myself did I see my actual size. I recently saw a picture of me taken at my neices bday and I was shocked to see how heavy I was. It made me very sad. I remember that sinking feeling each time I wished I was smaller and could do more things.

So....now I'm on a healthier path, I feel amazing and I'm loving this new way of living.

Thanks, and good luck to each and everyone of you who have helped me get to this point!!!!
All the best to each and everyone of you! Continued success is what I wish for you all.


It's been a while....

Sep 25, 2009


Seems like it's been so long since I updated my page. It's been a busy time. With summer at it's end, I will miss wearing fun clothes like capri's and tank tops etc. The weather will be changing soon and we will find ourselves wearing long pants, sweaters.   I guess I'm not looking forward to that is, I have more summer clothes as my friend who is also loosing weight has been giving me her hand me downs, which have been a god send. I am very grateful for that.

I feel I'm at a standstill with my weight right now. I'm doing lots of excercise but the numbers aren't coming off so good.
It is discouraging but I can't let it get to me, so I just keep on going. I know the inches are happening as I can feel it in the clothes, so I just keep going along.

I've had lots of wow moments, it's so great to go out and someone come up to you and say "gee you are looking so slim, are you on a diet'?  It's such a good feeling. I know people who I haven't told are wondering, as I've heard them talking amongst themselves. I dont like to bring attn to myself, but what was I thinking of course loosing people will wonder, but I have told some people who I know will spread the word to those wondering... ;)

Does anyone have any good snack ideas? I'd love to get a few more so I can have something. I like to get different ideas from people.

well, I should go. Will write again soon.

I meant to mention, I was a 22/24 in size. Now I am at a 16/18 and a Large in a top. No more plus sizes for me.
Also, I recently went travelling through the US with my husband and I always love to go to Oregon and buy my clothes for the winter/spring while I am there. This year I went to go shopping and when I went to the store, it made me very very sad. I didn't see anything that I liked and when I realized I used to HAVE to shop in that plus store, now I didnt and as I walked around I thought if I was still that size and even though I didn't like what they had, i would still have shopped and bought something as it would have been a bit different than the things I could have gotten at home. I found a new store that I love that I found and I'm thrilled, as I can also order online... yeah!!!

ok, thanks for listening... :0) hope everyone has a good day  

Smaller sizes are getting to be very exciting!

Aug 12, 2009

It's been a while since I wrote on line.

I am doing ok, few problems still with taking in fluids and protein. I am however working very hard at getting better with both.
I have joined aqua fit classes and I LOVE IT. I was going to the gym with a trainer and that worked out well, but my trainer was moving town after about 5-6 sessions and so I felt I might not have the motivation without her there, so I would trying the aqua classes, it's great. I have talked 2 other friends into going with me and we have so much fun.

I am loosing and the sizes are starting to show. I bought some new pants (on sale) about 3 wks ago and already they are too big. My friend gave me some of her old capri's as she is grown out of them, and they are sizes 16-18, I fit most of them and I'm THRILLED, concidering I was wearing a 22-24 pant when I first started this journey. It feels so good.

I need to start maybe going to the gym again and working there 2 days a week (around my aqua fit classes) as that is wear I really sweat and feel the burn of the workout. Oh, don't get me wrong, they work you hard in the pool too. More than you think, it's an intense work out. It just feels different. Both are good.One I just enjoy more. But the other is important too.

Food is still a struggle sometimes. I am not able to swallow protein drinks or any powders. I've spent SO much money and have given up for a while. I might try again later. I am to get in 60 grms a day and I find that hard with food. I don't eat tuna which I know is a great sourse, but I really don't like it.

well, that's about it for now. I will try to be more active on here... good luck to everyone!  
1 comment


Jul 10, 2009

just wanted to say, I've put my before pics up, but yet to put my current ones. Will do soon...

25lbs lost now....

Jul 10, 2009

I'm thrilled to bits, stepped on the scale today and I'm down 25lbs since surgery. I can't recall the last time I was this weight, it feels GREAT! 

cheers everyone, have a good day!
1 comment

It's been a while since I blogged..

Jul 03, 2009

It's been a while since I updated here. I am doing better now, I've had some ups and downs with my eating.... dairy, protien of any kind was making me very sick. I am doing it very slowly, introducing a new food once a day. It seems to work ok. But most of all, I stick to what works, it's boring, but it's working.

I have been doing lots of walking, and I remeasured today and weighed in .... 19.5lbs lost and total overall inches lots 38.5inches. I'm so thrilled, It was 1 month this past Tuesday, so that's 1 month and 3 days from surgery.

Well I best go, I'm on my way out to walk again.... will keep in touch soon. :)


Listened to the doctor and feel MUCH better!

Jun 13, 2009

I just wanted to let everyone know I am doing better now. Listened to the Doctor, followed his directions and now I feel SO
much better.  I have also discovered I believe I am lactose intolerant. I think that was the reasoning for part of me being sick and getting that type of protein in.... I had a glass of milk this morning and instantly felt sick. So, I have tried having soy milk, or lactose free milk and I am fine. 

I'm going to try and stick to this way, but figure out recipes I can eat (blenderized) without calling for milk...yogurt, cottage cheese, as that was getting to me.



Pretty sick...

Jun 11, 2009

I've been feeling really sick the last couple of days, talked to the NUT. and confirmed I was doing things right, and today I threw up 3 times.... I was told if this was to happen my surgeon wanted to talk.... so I called him. I am also having trouble keeping ANY fluids in, constant nausea, and direaha yesterday.... and also taking my vitamins are making me really sick after taking them..... Dr Called and said, back to beef broth, which has more salt, plus I need to drink Gator ade till I get better and gravol 3 times a day for the next couple of days. See if that turns things around..... So, just a quick note I'm heading to a cup of broth and bed soon.... talk to you folks soon.


June 9th will be 1 week since surgery....

Jun 08, 2009

Hi, I can't believe tomorrow it will be 1 week since my surgery. Whew, glad it's over and now I'm on the path to a great journey. I sneaked a peak yesterday, I had to.. I stood on the scale and was already down 9.5 lbs. I was shocked. I took all my measurements and I notice inches gone already, I realize most of that is water, but that's ok... it's still a nice sign.

I have had some difficulty with keeping liquids down. I called the Nutrionist today just to go over the sheet that she gave to my doctor for me to follow and It was very confusing to me as it seemed so confusing. 
After speaking with her, the sheets of paper I had been given were all mixed up, so the things I could add to my list of items to have increased and I was thrilled!!!!!

so tomorrow is another new day. I go back to the doctors next week on the 17th to have the stitches out. Can't wait. 

well....until next update, good luck to everyone!!


I'm home now.. and is it ever HOT!

Jun 05, 2009

Hi there everyone,

Im home from the hospital now. Glad to be home. I had a hard time sleeping at the hospital with noise and lights, I didn't get to go to a ward so I was close to nurses station, where it can be loud and busy.

I came home 2 days after sugery, feeling not too bad. I've had times where I felt I did too much with just visiting or eating a tbsp of cr of wheat for breakfast.... that put me down for a nap for about 2 hrs...not a good feeling.

My first night home was so HOT.... 33 it got up to. For where I live in BC, Canada that is pretty hot for us folks. I was able to
get in a bit of cottage cheese (about 1 tsp). I'm trying to get my protein in, but it's hard. Water makes me sick, so I have been sticking to apple juice with ice. That seems to work ok.  My daughter picked me up a protein shake and I added about 1tsp of skim milk, and I swear it was like a milkshake so that went ok.....expect then I was full with the amount and had to have a nap... this is going to take me a while to get used to.

well, sorry but this is as much as I can write today I'm feeling hot and tired. I am looking forward to a shower tonight and clean dressings which my husband has been so great at looking after.

talk to you all soon, Laurie

About Me
Victoria BC,
Surgery Date
Jan 22, 2009
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Friends 27

Latest Blog 18
