
My GOD given name is Hynissah M. Fleming (I hate the name, no meaning, just made up from a mother that had too much pain meds during childbirth, LOLOLOL). I was born and raised on the southside of Chicago, 63rd and May St., which is the Heart of the HARDCORE Englewood area. It wasn't BAD at all when I was growing up, but became rough in my later years. I am a 31 year YOUNG Single Mother (never Married) of 3 children, my son Montae(16), and my daughters Makayelah (14) and Makyerah (4), she is my "UhOh" baby. I was not planning on having a baby at that time and age, but she is here and we LOVE her. I am a Certified Medical Assistant since 1995, a Certified Nursing Assistant since 2005, and am currently studying to become a RN and go on to obtain my BSN.
I have struggled with my weight since about 11 years old. It was this time when I started putting on weight, due to re-location to another neighborhood when my old hood got rough. My mother did it for our good, and I love her for that. Anywho, I did not know anyone in the neghborhood, mad at my mother for re-locating and I was afraid to make new friends, so FOOD became my friend, or shall I say DESSERTS became my friend. No exercise, Cooking, Baking and eating all these desserts landed me @ ObesityHelp and WLS. I was 16, weighing 250lbs. and having my 1st child. After his birth, I got down to 185lbs, but quickly reached my original weight of 250lbs in a matter of 6 months. My son was born 2 weeks before Thanksgiving, and Holiday eating put me back there. At 19, became pregnant with my 2nd child and after her birth, I weighed 200lbs. Not much better but better. And this is where I stayed Plus or Minus 10lbs. I started college and this is where my "REAL" troubles began. I ate junk all day, before, during and after class. I cooked at home and ate, up studying late and ate somemore. Then I was faced with a pregnancy scare and I started Depo-provera birth control injections. I went from 210 to 285 in 6 months. I was told the weight gain was due to Depo, but I did not want to get pregnant, so I kept getting the injections. After 21 months of injections, my weight was at 308lbs and I was disgusted. I then went on a diet(pills) and lost 80lbs. I lost my job and ate myself to 318lbs. Got pregnant with my 3rd child and got down to 280lbs. Re-locating to Iowa, with nothing to do, I sat and cooked and ate even more. A breakup with their father(YES,they all have the same dad)in July 2004, after a 16 year relationship and some other matters got me here to today, 360lbs.
Food IS (soon-to-be was) my comfort, so I have to do something about my weight before it kills me.
With that I want to say that
TO GO BACK IN TIME,TO WHEN I WAS 180lbs, BUT BE 180lbs IN 2007.
5'7" 360/???/180
From Watching Life to Participating in Life,That's my GOAL
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imagesMy Weight Loss Progress

Although I have lost 61lbs Pre-Op......I pray that I am blessed to share my actual weight loss with you Post-Op.

~~~~Weight Loss Surgery Journey Start weight~~~~

Date--Current Weight--BMI--Weight Lost--

4/14/02 discharged from the hospital after giving birth to my daughter-----284lbs-----BMI 45.8-----Lost -24lbs during pregnancy and she weighed in at 8lbs 7oz 21 in.
4/03-------308lbs BMI 49.7-----Gained +24
Blood Pressure Problems begin here........
4/05-------348lbs BMI 56.1-----Gained +40
5/05-------354lbs BMI 57.1-----Gained +6
6/05-------360lbs BMI 58.1-----Gained +12
8/8/05----347.5 BMI 56.1----- Lost -12.5
4/18/06---330 BMI 53.3------Lost -17.5
5/06-------323.5 BMI 52.2------Lost -6.5
6/06-------313.5 BMI 50.6------Lost -10.0
7/6/06-----323 BMI 52.1------Gained +9.5
Hey, July 4th just passed and I am expecting a visitor
(ladies you know her)
7/8/06-----317 BMI 51.1------Lost -6lbs !!Back on track!!
7/16/06---303 BMI ------Lost-14lbs!!WOW!! Not sure how I did it but It's done and gonna stay like that. I am shooting to be 299lbs by my surgery date. Wish me luck!
8/6/06---299 BMI 48.2-------Lost 18lbs REACHED MY PRE-OP GOAL~~~YEAHHHHHHHHHH 4 ME!!!!!
So far, Total of -61lbs lost Pre-op
It only gets better from here
Post-Op weight loss

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About Me
Altoona, IA
Feb 17, 2005
Member Since

Friends 42

Latest Blog 36
September 2007
August 2007
July 2007
June 2007
May 2007
April 2007
