check, check, check

Nov 27, 2012

Out of all the pre-op stuff i have checked off all but one last meeting with my psychologist!! If she checks off then they will send it to my insurance for approval! Im a happy camper, but i have this feeling that something will come up, or something more will be required. Its ok though,  whatever happens and whatever they say i will do it  =))))))



Nov 26, 2012

Well tomorrow i go back to the hospital for more pre-op stuff. ill be taking some tests with a physical therapist and i will be doing a 2.5 hour psych test.  Im really looking forward to the appts because its moving forward. I love that my clinic does 3-4 appointments in one day, its less time that i have to take off work.

One thing that sucks though is after that 2.5 computer psych test, i have a 1.5 hour math test at school, YIKES

All day everyday i think about my future AFTER this surgery. Every now and then i think about recovery and things like that, but my thoughts are always on my future. Im just so excited! all of these things that i never thought possible, ARE.


Dont Judge me!

Nov 21, 2012

Ok well first of all, my daughter is in the black friday target ad that comes out today! Shes the baby laying under the playmat. Its like page 26 or something.

Back to Turkey day..

I think im going to go crazy with the calories today and i already feel guilty.  Im having all of these food funerals. I have to say goodbye after this year to the pig outs and the holiday foods that i love, so im just going to let myself have these last big meals.  I know that i shouldnt do this and that my Dr would say that i need to start acting like ive already had the surgery so i can get into my routine, but its so hard! You've all been where i am, so you should understand. I havent been told that i need to lose weight before surgery, maybe that was a big mistake for me Drs. Id do anything to have surgery, so if they would've told me to lose weight i would. Dont judge me! Giving up all these goodies is going to be hard enough, cant i enjoy these last couple big meals??

Who am I kidding, im judging myself.

Happy Turkey Day!!

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my 3.5 hr appt

Nov 16, 2012

so they took like 9 viles of blood, ouch!

then i met with the psychologist for 1 hour and at the end she said im a great candidate

then i met with the nurse and we talked for an hour and she said im a "very fit overweight person" whatever that means, lol. She also said im an excellent candidate.

Then i met with the baritritritian Dr for an hour and she also said im a great candidate.

Then i had EKG which was fine

then that night i did a sleep apnea test over night, which i havent gotten the results for yet.


So now on 11/27 i have another 3.5 hr appointment where i have to take a psych test and then meet with the psychologist again.

Ill also have to meet with a physical therapist and take and endurance test

I'll also find out the results of the sleep apnea test

then ill meet with the Dr again to get my lab results

and whatever else i have to do

basically my insurance said that if every professional agrees that im a good candidate for WLS then they will ok it, so after all of the referals we will send out a request to my insurance company, they have up to 1 month to approve or deny, the dr said it never takes that long though. Then she said after the get the approval they will schedule me about a month out. So im expecting to have my surgery in January =))))))



Nov 14, 2012

I have my 1st 3 hours appointment tomorrow! I have to fast for 12 hours and then i have my appointment starting at 8:30am.  Im nervous and excited.  I have to call in to work tomorrow, too. I HATE calling in, but this is worth it.

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why didnt i do this sooner?

Nov 06, 2012

ive had thoughts about weight loss surgery over the years, but now im 100% committed to doing this for myself and my family.  My only regret at this point is not doing it sooner! First i called my insurance to verify that they do cover weight loss surgery, and they said yes. My next step was googling how to find a Dr willing to perform the surgery because my Dr. over the years has pretty much said i can do it naturally. Um duh! Then why to i keep losing and then gaining more?!?! Anyways thats how i found this amazing site. From this site i searched Dr's in my area and came up with the park nicollett clinic near me. I gave them a call and they gave me the website to attend a webinar about weight loss surgery, i did the whole class and took the test. Then they sent me a huge packet in the mail which i completed everything and sent it in the mail. They gave me a call today to set up an appt on Nov. 15th to meet with the nurse, the Dr, and the NUT. Apparently it will be a 3 hour appt that i need to fast before because they will also be doing blood work afterwards. Who knows what hoops ill have to jump through, i imagine that i will find that out at the appt.


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Minneapolis, MN
Oct 26, 2012
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