Fine for the '09

May 07, 2009

Greetings and Salutations!!!
Its ya boy Gatorbait back in full effect!  Lets see, its update time. 1st  I am sad to report that me and the Mrs. are now divorced but yet we still cheer each other on with the weight-loss.  We are co-parenting 100% like we are supposed to and get along just fine.  Fast forwarding I feel GREAT!  Im down between 259-263lbs.....depending on how the scale wants to act!  Im still in my second home, the gym, working it out still. My eating is still under control eventhough every now and again I find myself cheating a bit.  The difference is that I would still keep my portions in-check.  This transformation has me motivated for other things which I will share at a later time...yall watch out for it!! Naww...I aint about to "Work the Pole!", LOL
So far I'm stuck between the above weight.  My next fill is mid may and I can't wait.  Hopefully this will again be the "sweet spot" and I can get off the last 30-40lbs.  Ill be like Usher....taking off my shirt EVERY 5 minutes!

Y'all continue to be fit!

Its been a while!

Nov 01, 2008

Whatsup everyone?!  Well since Labor Day, I've been putting in the work in order to get off the fat.  Im down to 276 as of today.  I've also have been getting to the gym in the early mornings (5-5:30am).  I find that I get better results that way.  I am even running on the treadmill now!  Ya here me, running!  I'm now wearing clothes that I couldn't even get past my thighs before!  What can I say, but that its constant motivation!

My Workout Playlist Sample- Just what you need to get crunk!

Aug 24, 2008

Nothing like progress

Aug 24, 2008

Well I got on the scale and have moved further away from 300lbs!  People are like your are getting slimmer but its hard for me to see.  However I do feel it in my work clothes and it is great.  I went to the gym this morning and got on my cardio game for 20min and tortured my legs for the strength training.  That'll definately start the week off right!  Oh yeah i almost forgot, I got my first fill of 4cc's on the 19th.  I needed that because in the past I would workout so hard and come home and eat everything lol!
1 comment

1st Blog

Aug 16, 2008

Now Im like  4 weeks post op.  I m down like 20lbs and I have upped my intensity in the gym, including lots of cardio.  I am sticking with and understanding  the plan my dietician has developed which I think is the number one thing you can do. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 02, 2008
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Its been a while!
My Workout Playlist Sample- Just what you need to get crunk!
1st Blog
