WOW-- I lied to myself!

Aug 03, 2009

Well, the summer is almost over, and I am up another 10 lbs.  I have been having issues with my blood sugar, too low some times.  I made a consult appt with my surgeon to see about a stoma fix based on his recommendations.  I wonder if I could throw in a tummy tuck while we are at it!

I  know my weight issue is the lack of exercise.  I really really need to find time for me.  There should be no excuse.  the thought that I am on the horizon of 200 lbs again scares the crap out of me.

PS- my twins are just one week shy of a year and are cute as hell!  :-)

WOW-- I lied to myself!

Aug 03, 2009

Well, the summer is almost over, and I am up another 10 lbs.  I have been having issues with my blood sugar, too low some times.  I made a consult appt with my surgeon to see about a stoma fix based on his recommendations.  I wonder if I could throw in a tummy tuck while we are at it!

I  know my weight issue is the lack of exercise.  I really really need to find time for me.  There should be no excuse.  the thought that I am on the horizon of 200 lbs again scares the crap out of me.

PS- my twins are just one week shy of a year and are cute as hell!  :-)

WOW-- I lied to myself!

Aug 03, 2009

Well, the summer is almost over, and I am up another 10 lbs.  I have been having issues with my blood sugar, too low some times.  I made a consult appt with my surgeon to see about a stoma fix based on his recommendations.  I wonder if I could throw in a tummy tuck while we are at it!

I  know my weight issue is the lack of exercise.  I really really need to find time for me.  There should be no excuse.  the thought that I am on the horizon of 200 lbs again scares the crap out of me.

PS- my twins are just one week shy of a year and are cute as hell!  :-)

Well I had disapeared, but now I am back for a quick visit!

Mar 15, 2009

The twins are 7 months old, I only gained 30 lbs during the pregnancy, but unfortunately am 10 lbs heavier than I want to be at my two year point.  The babies have taken about 75% of my focus, the rest of the family gets 20% and that leaves about 5% for me.  I have been horrible with my eating habits, horrible taking my vitamins and getting enough water in.  The scale shows this!!  I am determined this spring not to make any more excuses and to start taking care of myself.  I deserve it damn it, I have come a long long way to slowly slip back to the fat girl I once was!.

So today, March 15, I weigh 185.  By the end of the summer, I want to be down to 170 and hold it through out the winter.  I can do this.

Happy Anniversary fellow Marchers!!!


baby belly

Jul 16, 2008

Well, there's no denying it now!  the baby belly has popped in full force.  Which it should by all means, after all, I am carrying twins and am at 31 weeks!  The babies are at risk for intrauterine growth retardation however, as my body is not absorbing enough nutrients for all three of us to thrive.  I have been doubling and tripling what I have been eating, in addition to adding the protien suppliements and an ensure daily to my diet.  I go to the doc again on the 22nd to have more growth scans of the kids to see where they are at.  If she doesn't feel comfortable with thier gain, she is going to recommend I deliver early at Albany Med.  My regular OB is in the process of transfering my care to Albany as well, which i am glad of.  Albany is my home away from home now.  They took such good care of me before, during and after my surgery, I know the NICU is excellent there too.  What ever it takes to have two happy healthy little ones....but scary mentally for me to grasp that they could very well be here in a little over a week!!!

I am guessing my post baby weight to be in the low 160s, maybe high 150's after it is all said and done.  Plus with chasing two around at the same time, I will have a built in gym right in my home!  I am getting bored with laying around all the time and not doing any real excerise or activity to speak of.  Yes, I buzz around here getting things organized and run to the stores, and here and there, but it isnt the same as the time that i designated work out time and i am proud to say that i do miss it.  I can't wait to take the babies for walks around the block this fall.

Well, that's all for an update, I will certainly post again when the kids are here!!


May 04, 2008

baby website

password: loverbaby

wedding pics

Just the three of us

May 04, 2008

Life in my new, married body is still wonderful.  The twins seem to agree!  We found out last week that we are having one of each!  how wonderful!  Their weight size at this point is right on track.  Little John Deere as we are calling him is 11 oz and the Little Princess weights 10 oz.  I have also visited my nutrionalist, and she is please because I have started to gain weight.  I have gained 13 lbs and am 21 weeks along so far.  Normal weight gain for twins is 30-40 lbs and pregnancy length is 36 week for "full term" twins.  I am still having a hard time getting used to gaining the weight back and eating ALL the time, but know it is for a good reason and know it is short term.  Now that my baby belly is starting to pop, i feel better too, because i look like i am pregnant, not just getting fat again. 

I did have a really bad dumping experience today after we had ice cream.  I was in the bathroom in the midst of the dump when i passed out and hit my head against the sink.  now i have a bruise just above my right eye.  damn ice cream!  It was weird because we have gotten soft ice cream a bunch of times with no adverse reaction.  My poor hubby didn't know what to do, I have rarely dumped, in fact this was the first time I had the cold sweats and feeling of passing out ever.  I have had fast trips to the bathroom before with cramping, but nothing like this.  oh well.

My biggest gripe in maternity clothes shopping is the fact that 9 stores out of 10 put the womens section right next to the maternity section.  I swore I would never shop near there again!  lol

well, i seem to update the baby website more than this one!  I will do another post with links to that site and my wedding pictures--which was the most magical day in my life to date.  I am so blessed with everything that has happened in my life during the last 14 months.  I would go through all the crap i have gone through prior if i knew my life would be so fantastic now.

love to all!

holy crap AGAIN!!!!

Mar 25, 2008

So I had an ultrasound appt. this afternoon...where I found out I am not just pregnant with one baby, but two!!!!  Holy CRAP!!!!!!!!  I am still in a state of year two of my surgery will be twice as good!!!!

I am of course nervous about my nutrition and making sure i get enough good stuff for both babies and myself...but man oh   what a year!!!   :-)   more later as it all develops!!

Happy Surgiversary!!!

Mar 11, 2008

What an amazing year.  When I look back at where I was just a year ago, praying and hoping that i would have a successful surgery, easy recovery and live happily ever after, I never in a million years thought it would actually happen.  Here I sit, 169.5 lbs, 14 weeks pregnant, to be married in just one month, at the top of my world.  And I couldn't have done this without the wonderful people in my world.  First and foremost, I would like to thank my wonderful, strong mother.  She has been through every step of this with me, literally through thick and thin--lol.  no matter what was going on in her world, she was there to help me out.  I only hope that I am half as strong of a woman as she is when I get to be  ah-hem, 67 yrs old!!  :-)   and my sweet Joe.  He too has been right by my side, through tears, pain, victories and mood swings.  He will always be my little man, my little protectant ready to fend off anything evil.  And the latest addition to my life, Gary.  He has never once doubted my abilities as a person and has loved me when I was fat, and loved me now that I am a fit woman.  He has helped keep me active and i could not think of a better person to call on when ever i needed anything.  I am so excited and grateful to be soon called his wife..  And soon to be the momma of his baby  :-)

I truly feel like I woke up in some fairy tale when I woke up in 2008.  I thought 2007 was going to be the year to beat, but it was simply the start of my life.  I owe everything to the wonderful staff at Albany Med., my coworkers who have cheered on my success and allowed me to flaunt my stuff in their faces every day.  I could not ask for a better support group in my life.  I am a better person for them all and proud to be called thier daughter, mother, wife, and friend.  People, we kick ass!!!

Love to you all,

What a week

Jan 22, 2008

Two great things happened to me this week.  I hit my goal weight of 175, and I found out I am pregnant.  I am a bit scared by the latter.  I just got skinny and now I am gonna get fat again!!  My boyfriend and I are very excited though.  It is a crazy change of events, lots to think about and plan for now.  I will hang tough as usual and have a healthy baby--due September!!

About Me
South Glens Falls, NY
Surgery Date
Sep 07, 2005
Member Since

Friends 34

Latest Blog 56
baby belly
Just the three of us
holy crap AGAIN!!!!
Happy Surgiversary!!!
What a week
