WLS and Thyroid diet, friendly? Hmmmm?

Apr 06, 2009

Post Date: 3/21/09 11:10 am

So, I have been reading and doing a lot of research lately and making some dietary changes as I hit a wall, my dr. thinks due to my thyroid.  My thyroid meds have now been increased four times since my surgery 11 mo's ago. I am thrilled as I have lost 92 lbs. and have gone from a 26 to a 14/16 however, can't say I wouldn't like to lose another 25-35 lbs.  However, I am very happy.  I remember being so very heavy and just begging to be an 18.  REMEMBER that? 
Anywho, I have been reading The Thyroid Diet written by a woman who has devoted herself and research to women with thyroid and metabolic disorders.  Interesting rules:
1. Eat only 3 meals a day not 5 or 6.  Stomach needs to be empty to burn fat.
2. Leave 11 - 12 hours between dinner and breakfast.  Stomach needs to be empty to burn fat.
3. Never mix meat and dairy in the same meal.  Meat won't metabolize well with dairy.
4. Never eat fruit with heavy meats, Meat won't metabolize well with fruit.
5. Don't mix proteins.  (No fish with meat or poultry with beef) eggs can be eaten with any meat however.  Body metabolizes more efficiently with one type of protein.
6. Eat an oz. of nuts everyday almonds a top choice but peanut butter is fine too.
7. Breakfast should contain no less then 20. g. protein and mostly all protein and be largest meal.
8. Breath deeply consciously, exercise EVERYDAY for no less then 30 min. per day.  Include weights for strength training and aerobic exercise.
9. Drink a whole lot of water.
That is about it.  There is a lot of info but these were some major points.  I would love to have you, "weigh" in with your opinions. 
Oh and the reason I titled the post the way I did is because this morning I decided to follow these rules and I am so use to my snacks in between meals I have had to tell my head to quiet down every 20 min. or so as it wants a SB bar.  However, I AM NOT HUNGRY!  I love my RNY!  Gina  : )

