Shrinking Gingerbread


Oct 26, 2007

I know, I know, I am a bad OH member!!!  Not really a lot going on weight loss wise so not much to mention.  Still hovering around the same 3-6 pounds left to loose to be at my "goal". 

Let’s see... other than weight issues... I put purple flames on my Ninja, looks really cute!  I am already ready to upgrade to a big better bike, looking at a 2007 Honda CBR600rr White/Silver.  It is sooooo stinking pretty!  But still has a bad-a$$ quality to it, not like my little Ninja. 

Ummm, what else....well, my daughter is 6 years old now and in 1st grade.  She reaches my armpit she is so tall.  She is actually the tallest girl in her class.  She says she wants to ride on the back of my motorcycle.  I tell her she has to be able to ride her bicycle w/o training wheels first... no worries... the little stinker can't even ride WITH training wheels so it will be a while before she is ready to be on the back w/me.  Good thing since I am in NO WAY ready to ride w/her either.

Oh I did think of one issue I am having.  I have been falling into the old over eating patters of my past stemming from my Obsessive Overeating Disorder.  I am still seeing my therapist once a month, but it continues to be a struggle.  I refuse to be one of those statistics who gained all their weight back 3-4 years after surgery so I constantly battle.  I don't think I will ever be "cured", but I can do my best to raise above the self-punishing behaviors at least the majority of the time.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 25, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
My official Before Picture, Size 20/22
My unoffical After Picture, Size 4/6

Friends 47

Latest Blog 36
~4-16-07~ 107 pounds lost (3 pounds left to goal)
~1-08-07~ 104 pounds lost (6 pounds left to goal)
~~ 01-01-07 ~~ 134 lbs (total loss of 101 lbs, 9 pounds left)
~~ 12-29-06 ~~ 136 lbs (total loss of 99 lbs, 11 pounds left)
~~ 09-14-06 ~~ 151 lbs (total loss of 84 lbs, 31 pounds left)
