Ugh, back pain....

Apr 03, 2013

Well, went to the PCP today to talk about the paperwork for the social security. He filled it out and just said that I will be denied. I said I know that most people are denied and you have to keep trying at least 2 or 3 times. Well, after that appointment, the medical woman from the social security office (who had been trying to reach for me for two weeks) had called while I was on my way to work and she asked me about my back and how long I have had pain and the arthritis and how it affects my everyday life. Wow, we were on the phone for over a half hour. I had also put on there depression and we had talked about that and I am going to see about getting that approved as well. We shall see. We shall see.

Anyhow....back to the topic at hand, back pain. I am in tremendous pain tonight and have been since about 3:30 p.m. I was at work (JCP) and near a register, just trying to move my right leg and the pain just shot me in the lower back, and stopeped me in my tracks. Then, after I got off at 5, I got some supper, went to the church (I disciple a young lady), took a pain pill, ate a bit, took evening meds, it is about 6:10 at this point, and boom, sharp pain on the left low back as I am sitting and I cry it hurts so bad. Woooo! I finish the study with her, go into the church service that begins at 7 and when it is over around 8 and the pastor is praying, booooom, sharp pain again, on the right side, making me cry again! I go to my car, slowly, sit slowly, and pain in the left side. I cried at least half way home on the 20 minute ride. I sat for awhile then decided to get on here and just write. Oh, and other good news, doctor had me go to the lab this morning before work to get the other thyroid test instead of waiting til May, cause he doesn't want to wait that long if anything is wrong, and also told him that I need a clearance before June for the bariatric surgeon if the thryoid comes back fine. He said even if it does not, he will still clear me for surgery cause losing the weight will only benefit all that is wrong!

He surprised me with that answer! He was not fully on board at the beginning back in December when I had gone to the informational session. He had wanted me to make sure that I knew what all this surgery entailed and that this was a life-long committment and to make sure that I get all my lab work done every year! So, I have been telling him I have been faithful to my nut visits and to my research and that my surgeon sees my once a year after the first year for the rest of my life anyhow. He said great! So, that makes me feel better.

Well, getting ready to go lay down and rest. I have tomorrow off, and need to rest this back! Take care all! Well, one day closer!


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Dec 03, 2012
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