I got my date!!!

Mar 24, 2009

I finally got my surgery date!!! It is May 12! 7 weeks from today. I am SO excited!!

My pre-admission testing is April 28 and I have to start my liquids only diet that day as well. 2 weeks on only liquids, except I can have a Lean Cuisine or WW frozen meal for dinner each day. I am dreading that, but I will do it no matter how hard!
Wish me luck, and it wouldn't hurt to say a little prayer for me either that everything goes ok :)

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On my way.....

Feb 14, 2009

So, I am about 1/2 way through my pre-op testing now. I've had my gallblatter ultrasound, endoscopy and my first visit with the nutritionist. Everything seems to be going really well. The endoscopy showed everything was normal, but my gallblatter ultrasound showed it "filled" with gallstones. In fact, the tech was surprised I have never had an issue with pain since there were so many. She said she would be very surprised if the surgeon didn't take my gallblatter out during my WLS. This doesn't bother me at all. I am actually glad they found it now and will do both surgeries together to avoid another surgery (and probably a lot of pain!) down the road.

Next week I have my 2 visits with the psychiatrist, my 2nd nutritionist visit and then the following week visit #3 with the nutritionist and then I am done!! I am getting excited and I am hoping to have a date for surgery by the end of April!!


Is this the right thing to do?

Feb 11, 2009

I have been considering surgery for a few months now and I am about 1/2 way through all my pre-op testing and appointments. In doing my research before my surgery though, I am coming across a bunch of stuff on the internet about people that have had some pretty severe problems since having surgery and it is starting to really scare me. Yes, I know there are risks and I know there are those small percentages of people that DO have complications, but for some reason it just seems like I am reading A LOT about problems people have had lately.

Maybe it's just what I am coming across on the web? Maybe I just had dumb luck in finding all the negative stuff lately?

I don't know. All I do know is that I was pretty comfortable about my decision to move forward with this and now I am  not so sure again.......

About Me
Cranston, RI
Surgery Date
Dec 28, 2008
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