2 years post op

Oct 31, 2009

Wow it has been quite a while since i last posted on this blog. Well im 2 years post op as of a couple days ago. It has been quit a journey and one i would do over agian in a hearbeat. My life is so completly different than it was two years ago. I no longer take high blood pressure meds nor do i have diabetes anymore either. At the beginning of my journey i was on 7 to8 different medications and now only take 2 that have nothing to do with my weight at all.  I have so much more energy, vigor and stanima. I have only another 26 pounds to lose to reach my goal and know i will get there and it's ok it it takes me awhile cause i have come a long way and never thought i would only need to lose 26 lbs. Once i reach that goal i will have lost 136 pounds and will look into some plastic surgery to take care of some the the extra skin issues i have. But i would rather have this problem thatn all the other problem my excessive weight brought me. I truly am a new person.

6 months post op

May 09, 2008

Well it's been six months and I'm down 85 pounds and feeling so good and so much happier. Hair loss has slowed down quite a bit, with the help of all the vitamins I take plus making sure to get all the protein in. Went to Europe in April and it was so nice getting on a plane and actually feeling very comfortable in my seat and not having to ask for a seat belt extension.....that was a great feeling. Definately a wow moment for me since i always felt so uncomfortable on planes feeling like I was squeezed into a small space and not wanting to make anyone around me feel like I was overlapping into there seat.  I'm so happy I had this surgery and don't regret it for a moment. My recent blood work has come back so that all my cholesterol and triglercide levels are completely normal and my diabetes and high blood pressure are all great to. I no longer take my diabetes medicine and I've gone from taking 8 different prescriptions to only 3. So this surgery has definately had a big impact on my health and quality of life.  I have also hit a stall as far as my weight goes but I'm try to be patient with this, which can be a little frustrating after getting use to losing weight so quickly but I know it's only temporary and I will get through it.   

5 months post op

Mar 03, 2008

Well it's been just a little bit over five months and I'm down 72 pounds. My hair is coming out quite a bit and i have begun to take a hair, nail and skin vitamin (suggested by doctors office) that is loaded with biotin. So well see, i hope it works.....all this hair loss is somewhat hard for me. No bald spots or anything but i can tell where it's thinning out and such and I'm told this can go on for awhile. Although it does grow back it still kinda scares me. Thank goodness i have really thick hair.

I'm also told the weight loss will probably begin to slow down some so i really need to be sure to keep up on my exercise program to keep things going in the right direction. i also am begining to notice my appetite coming back somewhat and need to be sure to make the right chioces when eating. Having a bit of a hard time making sure i get enough protein which I'm sure is not helping out with the hair loss. Other than that I'm doing pretty good feeling great and am wearing a size 18!!!!!! Can't even remember when I was last in this size it's been a loooooooooooong time.  Started out in a size 24, even though I really think i was a size 26 just squeezing myself into a 24 so i wouldn't have to buy bigger clothes. Boy was I in denial. 

3 month post op

Feb 07, 2008

Today I had my three month post op dr. visit and I am down 64 pounds and am right on track they tell me. I no longer have to take my diabetes medicine, have lowered my blood pressure medicine by half and no longer take three other medications. So this surgery has had such a positive affect on my health and well being. I have experienced a few unpleasant bouts with vomiting at times but that has lessened up quite a bit as I am very careful as to what I eat. I do need to work on getting about 80grams of protein a day. That right now is my biggest challenge. My hair is starting to fall out, I really see it when I take a shower and that kinda freaks me out alittle but I will do what I can to slow it down... like taking additional hair and nail vitamins and being sure to get that protein in. I'm so glad I did this and don't regret it for one minute. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.     

1 month post op

Nov 29, 2007

I went to my 1 month post op yesterday and everything is going well. So far my weight loss is 32 pounds. I can finally start eating some soft foods which I am so looking forward to. No matter how hard I tried I just cannot bring myself to eat purred meat. Can't do it...everything is going very well and have begun an exercise program. I'm so very glad i made this decision as it is already having such a positive affect on my life. Some of my medicines have either been stopped or reduced and i feel like I now have some control over my life and health. I look forward to many more changes to come.   

11/3/07 home from surgery

Nov 03, 2007

Well, I came home from surgery yesterday afternoon and have been doing great. Surgery went fine and I was in minimal pain. stayed in hospital for three and a half days. Actually had to stay a day longer because of a low grade fever and just to be sure everything was fine. Didn't mind it though because I knew my doctor was being very cautious and that was ok with me. I was walking after two hours after going to my room, was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Was very good about making sure to get all the walking in, I do believe it helped greatly with my recovery. Things are going very  well and I continue to do all the exercising and eating the way I am suppose to. I love dr. Kazantsev and would highly recommened him to anyone...great surgeon, I see him on the 14th for my two week follow up. Look forward to all the exciting changes that are coming my way.

10/27/07 3 days to go!

Oct 27, 2007

I'm am getting even more nervous and excited as my surgery date approaches. My biggest fear is of blood clots. i've been told there is a possibility of this for up to a month after surgery but I plan on doing all I can do on my end to prevent these. Anyway have a halloween party I'm going to tonight and my costume is as a surgeon. Thought this was appropriate for me having surgery and all. Anyway maybe it will help take my mind off of the surgery for a little while.

About Me
Manteca, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 26, 2007
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 7
6 months post op
5 months post op
3 month post op
1 month post op
11/3/07 home from surgery
10/27/07 3 days to go!
