It's been way too long

Mar 31, 2009

Hi Everyone,

I know I haven't posted in a long time, but it is all good.  I am 7 mos out-down 68 lbs.  not as much as I would like, but more than I ever lost without a tool.  I feel great-I am diabetes and high blood pressure free, my energy is through the roof and God is just too good to me.

On a side note, my mom passed away on Dec. 15th.  I believe in my heart she was ready-she said she wanted to be with her husband and I started praying God to give her peace.  I was able to speak at her funeral-I didn't think I had it in me to do that without falling to pieces, but God's grace just took over.  When I visited her and told her about  my weight loss, she was happy-she wasn't talking much but her facial expression was enough for me to know she was proud of me.  I am so happy to have had a mother like her and her spirit lives on in those she left behind.  She is with her husband and they have a lot of catching up to do, he has been gone since 2000. 

Well,  I will try to post more often.  I have been checking  on my friends and am happy for your successes and look forward to continuing our journey.


Blah Blah Blah!

Oct 02, 2008

I know I know I haven't posted in a month.  So much has happened and I haven't wanted to talk about it.  Well, on Sept 11th, I had to fly to Michigan in a hurry, my Mom was possibly not going to make it.  Long story won't get into it all.  In the hurry and stress of it all, I triggered a crisis w/ my myasthenia gravis, which w/ the mal-absorption of my meds, currently has me in a physical mess.  I cannot exercise because I fatigue fast.  I have been placed on 100 yes 100 mg of prednisone daily to boost my immune system, so I can function.  So, guess what prednisone is gonna do for me?  Make me hungry as a hog and possibly slow my weight loss to a creep.  I am supposed to go back to work next Wed, Oct 8th, but my neurologist says to see how that works, if it doesn't then he will take me off work til we can get my crisis under control.  I guess I better fix this by saying I am not discouraged, I am excited cuz I know even though the weight may come off slower, it will come off eventually cuz I am sticking to the rules and staying away from the "bad" stuff.  

My Mom is up and down, but I cannot worry-I know she would tell me to take care of my health and not stress about her-so, I am confident that my sisters are taking care of her and I will go back to Michigan as soon as I can.  Unfortunately, I am on travel restrictions while I am off work on disability, so I will have to wait to go there anyway.  

Keep me in your prayers and I will post again soon.


Still home

Sep 03, 2008

I've been home for a week now.  On liquids til I see the doc next Tuesday.  I can't wait.  I am so tired of pureed soup and I was never a yogurt fan.  I am doing good w/ my proteins drinks and I haven't had any "real" coffee.  I haven't weighed yet, I don't feel like I have lost any weight but my husband says I have.  He also says my face is getting thin, again, I don't see it.  The only thing I can tell the difference in is my thighs, they don't seem to rub together anymore.  I guess I expected to have really lost more by now, but I didn't gain it in 2 weeks, so I can't lose it that fast-right?  I could really use a hamburger-Chilli's bacon cheeseburger to be exact.  When I can have it, I probably won't want it.  TTFN

I'm Home!!!

Aug 26, 2008

Yes, I made it home.  Yesterday about 4ish, I got the word from the nurse to hit the road Jack.  So, i wheeled it on out of there.  I do have to go back Wednesday for a quick check of my blood levels cuz of that problem w/ the blood thinner, but after that I am only going down-weight off forever.  

I am finding it  hard to get my liquids in I guess I should push the proteins if nothing else.  I was at the hospital and they were bringing me a drink every hour on the hour.  Even now that I am home, I have this schedule w/ a  layout of what I am supposed to drink and it is difficult completing it.  It doesn't help that I am not hungry/thirsty-hey, i am a loser-what can i say?

Well, I will post again later.

Can anyone say "HEY LOSER!!!"

Aug 25, 2008

I made itI made it!!!

I am on the losing side.  but not without some bumps in the road.  One, I am still in the hospital5 days later.  I had problems w/ the blood thinner, so I had some post-op potty troubles, then i couldn't keep my clear liquids down.  So, I had to get 3 units of blood cause my count is low and the dr is deciding  if i can go home this afternoon.  I am ready to go homebut i also want to be well, so i don't have to come back.  I am so glad that the surgery went well.  I woke up real punchy , the nurse even said, are you feeling kinda punchy. I was like yes, I was talking out of my head.  Not in as much pain as I thought-everyone did tell me that.  I am just so blessed to have made it through the hard part, now the fun begins.


Aug 20, 2008

Tomorrow, in less than 24 hours I will either be in surgeryor, in recoveryin other words, I will be a loser.  Thank you God!!! I have waited so long to get to this point, I wanna scream.  AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's here, my surgery is really here.  I am in the middle of nervous and overboard excited.  Please keep me in y'all prayers, I promise to post as soon as possible.  Maybe I will have my hubs bring my laptop to the hospital. 

Day 2

Aug 15, 2008

 second day of liquids-so far so good.  not really hungry.  told a couple more people at work.  i wish i hadn't-they just kept asking why i was gonna be out next week.  they thought is was something scary.  i guess wls might be scary.  as i get closer, i feel like i am a little nervous, but i also feel like i am gonna be alright-with the help of the Lord.

well, enough for now-see you tomorrow.

Do I really want a hamburger?

Aug 14, 2008

Okay, I am on day 1 of liquid diet.  Doing pretty good, not really hungry; some cravings, but I know I can make it.  I am so excited.  One of my co-workers who is 4 years out just really had me geeked up today.  She looks great and she is so positive & energetic-I am so ready to get to the other side.  We are getting a new bathroom in our master and hopefully it will be finished before I go into the hospital.  Oh my goodness, I don't feel worthy of God's goodness.  He has really opened doors for me in so many ways.  I will post again soon.

Counting Down

Aug 11, 2008

9 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am gonna scream again-AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, I go to the nutritionist and pre-surg labs & x-ray.  Then Thursday, I start my liquid diet.  I wanted a steak so bad-we went to Red Lobster tonight.  I wanted to go to Prime Quarter where you cook your own steak on Sunday, but I didn't make it.  Oh well, I want to eat to live not live to eat. 

I can wait, but i am so excited.   Please keep me in your prayers.

Counting Down

Aug 04, 2008

17 days-I believe it, but it is all  so  exciting I could scream.  I think I will AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

I am seeing the doc for my pre-surgery visit tomorrow.  I am glad I am finally here.  On the 13th I see the nutritionist and do my labs and x-ray and on the 14th I start my liquid diet.  I am on the way to being a loser.

Please Please Please keep me in your prayers.  I don't want to be discouraged by any negative vibes; so I am keeping my surgery as "down-low" as possible. 

I cannot believe my husband invited some friends over while I am in the hospital.  We are adding a new bathroom in my master that should be finished before I go in the hospital, so he says I can stay upstairs and he will handle the company.  Sometimes I wonder about what he thinks sometimes. 

Well, I am not gonna dwell on that-I am gonna focus on being healthy and starting my life anew.


About Me
Milwaukee, WI
Surgery Date
Jan 31, 2008
Member Since

Friends 62

Latest Blog 25
Blah Blah Blah!
Still home
I'm Home!!!
Can anyone say "HEY LOSER!!!"
Day 2
Do I really want a hamburger?
Counting Down
Counting Down
