What a difference it's made!

Mar 18, 2010

I feel great. I feel like I've shed a caccoon and become a beautiful butterfly. I can now keep up with my kids, run with my dogs, and still feel like making out with my husband...HA-HA. I am getting my energy back and that's wonderful. My daughter and I can share clothes. My husband thinks I am hot! 
God has truly blessed me beyond words. I have come a long way. He has the power to heal and make new. I am living proof. To God be the Glory for the great things he has done in my life. I am so thankful. May I continue to bless others as he has blessed me.

On My Way Back to Work!

Dec 30, 2009

Up until now when I am tired I can take a nap. When I need to drink more, eat more, I can adjust ..I can totally concentrate on doing so. Monday...I go back to the real world! The real world of teaching first grade means few potty breaks, 22 students that need me, afternoon resources and some days without resources. I am a little nervous but ready to establish a routine and get back to my life. The surgery gave me a new tool to implement into my life not control my life. There is a big difference. 

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10 days and counting!

Nov 13, 2009

I missed the first boat but I won't miss the second! I was sick this week and my surgery had to be canceled. I was in the holding area and had already been given my happy drugs when the decision was made to put surgery on hold. I will be going back to try again on Nov. 23. I will be THANKFUL when it is over. I am looking forward to a fresh start toward a new lighter, healthier, me.

I am a wife, mother, and first grade teacher! I am 5'1" with my heighest weight 193lbs. That's a lot for a petite frame. I have high blood pressure, high cholestoral, joint pain, fibromyalgia, GERD, incisional hernia, hiatal hernia,  and the list goes on! My mom faced open heart surgery at 38. My Dad had his first heart attach at 37. I pray that this surgery is the answer to prayer and that I will be on the road to a new me. I am now about 175 as I await my new surgery date. I hope more than anything that this surgery will change the road map my parents laid out. I don't want my kids to face what I did with them being sick at such early ages. There is a new plan for my life! It will stop with me! My children deserve the best I have to give them...The best me I can be!

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 09, 2009
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