Goddess was MIA! Months 5, 6 7

Mar 19, 2010

Okay, I have been lax. Not IRL, just in posting! I recently passed seven months out. I will copy this post as an update to my profile and I will put up some more pics.
I did (and will post) my five month routine set of pics but I will just have to use representative snap shots for six months and seven months as I did not do those picture sets. The dramatic appearance change really happened in the first four months, since then it has been much more subtle.  I am very happy with my progress. I hit a second plateau almost to the day at six months out. It lasted almost a month. Weight loss has resumed but it is definitely slower now. I don’t mind if it goes slow, just so it goes! I am experiencing hair loss, but I don’t look like I am. But the Swiffer (and the shower drain) tells all. Loss began slowly right at 3 months out and has escalated ever since. I feel the difference, but others don’t see it. I hope it abates before it becomes noticeable. The weight loss pattern is different than any time before in my life. I am losing my butt!   And I have a thick little alien baby growing right above my navel. PCP does not think it is a hernia. It is right in the area of my surgery incisions. Perhaps this area just takes some time to settle on down, or maybe I have some scar tissue. I am taking a wait and see stance for now. I am also “waiting to see” what will eventually happen with my fluctuating vision. My vitamin A is in normal range so I suspect this is more about changes in the shape of my eye and in the muscles around my eyes. As stated, so many miracles, so little time! I have been so busy, living my life, not just existing, and somewhere along the way, just about five months out, I breezed on into Onederland. At six months out I qualified for the Century Club. At seven months out I have shaved a full 20 points off my BMI. I started out as Super Morbidly Obese, progressed to Morbidly Obese, celebrated when I was able to drop the “Morbidly” and became Severely Obese and now I am Merely Obese! My BMI might declare me obese, but my friends and family are calling me Skinny Minny. Because I have been a major pack rat, I have not done much shopping. I just pull old boxes out of the barn and look a little dated. But I am reaching a point where I no longer have any “smaller” clothes. I broke down last week and bought new bras and underpants.   I have bought several new pairs of walking shoes, including some Shape Ups. I am thrilled to be able to walk again. Today, I am mere ounces away from a major breakthrough for me. Over ten years ago, I Adkins dieted off over 100 pounds and hovered around 180 pounds for a good while. I came close a time or two, but I just never was able to break on through to below 175. I am almost there! I hope to make it there by the end of the week (a good present to me for my 56th birthday) if I don’t eat too much of my yummy corned beef and cabbage (I smell it simmering in the crock pot now) and Green Fluff. This report sounds so rosy, and mostly everything is rosy, now. To be completely fair and unbiased in my reporting I must confess that I mostly felt like crap for the first three months post op. My antidepressant meds required a big adjustment and once done, that made all the difference. No big physical issues, other than fatigue which was somewhat alleviated by the change in meds. As my diet and capacity to eat have progressed, I go potty a little more often, but rarely with “urgency” except for first thing in the morning. I have experienced a little more gas as I have added things to my diet, but it is always controllable. I have never embarrassed myself in public.  Sorry for this TMI discussion but I want the “lookers” that are learning about DS to know that it does not sentence you to a life of flatulence and diarrhea. I know some who post here have been troubled by these things, but, for the most part, the causes are treatable medical conditions.   I have one acquaintance that will, on the rare occasions we see one another, always ask if I am still bothered by that “dia-rear.” (That is a TN pronunciation, LOL!) I must gently reiterate that I NEVER had it. NEVER as in NOT EVER, NOT EVEN ONCE. I have sometimes been bothered by nausea. I have learned that it is very important to eat and drink plenty. Not eating and drinking leads to not wanting to eat and drink.   I have occasionally suffered “productive burps.” (Lookers and newbies, this is not the same as vomiting. What comes out with a productive burp is undigested food that never even made it all the way to your stomach It does not feel the same way as vomiting at all, but it’s hard to explain to someone until they experience it for themselves.) More so early out, not so much now but it did happen to me just the other day when the waist band of my pants was too snug over my alien baby. I get a “forewarning” feeling and have always managed to excuse myself before it happens. I should add that usually I am eating too much too fast when this happens. The other day I was at a popular local restaurant and we had waited over an hour for a table, so I was really hungry and I had ordered the chef’s special, which was a divine pork osso buco with mashed rutabega, so I was kind of wolfing it down. The BP’s are a good reminder to slow it down and take smaller bites. Other than that, I NEVER feel like I am on a diet.  Close your eyes now carb watchers – I do eat occasional treats. Some days have several “occasions” LOL. Mostly I make good choices and find I crave better foods. I am aware that a possibility exists that my reworked innards will eventually somehow manage more absorption, and I may find it necessary to watch this more closely somewhere down the line. For now, everything’s working pretty well just the way I am going at it. My six month labs were very good. Okay, I’m done crowing now.  Regards from a very happy DS er,

Edit on 3-19-2010
Obviously I wrote the above two days ago and never got it posted. Got busy with celebrating! I’m a good little Irish girl and after my husband and I enjoyed a yummy dinner at home we ventured out to join some other revelers. St. Patrick’s celebrations are a big deal in our charming gulf coast town of winter residence. In the “it’s a small world” category: I saw my former high school science teacher from the little Michigan town where I grew up (he was fresh out of college then, so not much older than me) singing Karaoke at the pub down the street! I sang a song, too. It felt great to sing a really fast song and be dancing around up there and not get the least bit winded! What a change. It made me so happy. We went out again last night for my birthday. My husband loves taking me out now. And in spite of all my celebrating, um yes, don’t flame me, but alcohol was involved, along with lots of good food, I MADE IT!!! I broke through the 175! I cannot even remember when was the last time I weighed this little. Certainly more than 20 years, maybe more. I’ve got to get Jack Spratt (my husband) on the scale because my next major goal will be to have him outweigh me. OK,  NOW I’m done crowing! Regards,                                                                      


About Me
Nashville, TN
Surgery Date
May 17, 2009
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