updating after 2 years and 3 months

May 02, 2010

I had my surgery RNY Feb 2008, it has been 2 years and 3 months. I still feel ok, need to get some more vitamins, I can tell a difference after not taking them for just a week, have to get some this week.
   I am in school taking medical insurance and coding, it is hard but hopefully worth it in the end. I had a panniculectomy Mar 16th of this year. I am so glad I had it done, makes me feel so much better about myself.
   A few things have changed in my life, in the last year, some not so good and some great, at least I think they are great right now, lol.  It is hard to maintain a certain weight, I still like to eat, I love candy and I don't really dump at all. Just every now and then my sugar plummets, and I break out in a cold sweat, shake all over and feel like the life has literally been sucked out of me. other than that and allergies and feeling sluggish from not taking my vitamins lately, I am doing good.
   Bought size 12 jeans ," can wear some size 10 pants"other day and a medium shirt, hard to get mediums to fit, because I still am heavy at the top, lol.
Well I shut up for now, if anyone has any questions about my surgeries or me just send me a note or add me on facebook, that is where I am most of the time, lisa gibson.  

11 months

Jan 17, 2009

it is now Jan. and I am down to 155, weight loss is slow, I really have to watch what I eat now, I have started exercising and want to eat more, go figure!!
  I feel alot better than I did a year ago, if anyone wants to see a weightloss album you can find me,by using same name on myspace. greeneyesfromky. I have an album on there.
  I can't wait till spring gets here so I can go hiking or just walking, I love the woods, can't wait to go to red river gorge or natural bridge. 
  one of my sons is getting married in July. that would be Zack, Daniel isn't dating anyone at the moment, smart boy!! lol
I have a boyfriend well had him for 10 years now, I don't know if we will ever get married, I don't want to leave where I live and he can't get a good job here for what he makes in Owensboro. so I don't know what the future holds, he is good to me and my kids, always has. he stayed with me in the hospital the whole time I was in there, stayed right with me and took care of me. I just pray someday soon we can be together for good, just not weekends.  he loved me big and loves me not so big, lmao.
   Well that is about all for now. any questions, just ask me, love to add new friends!!!

down to 161, and some days 160, lol

Nov 16, 2008

I am teetering between 161 and 160, if I had a good bm, probably be 5 pounds less, lmao. as long as I don't gain weight I think I will be ok, I just can't wait for spring to get here, so I can get out and walk, and do stuff outdoors, keeps my mind off of stuff and food.
   I have a 3 month old niece that I watch quite a bit these days, her mom is trying to go back to school, so I have my hands full for the moment. which I don't mind at all, I love kids.
   I am thinking about going back to school next year, make sure that everything goes good for me, before I make any major plans.
   Well I will post at a later date, if I have any exciting news.
take care all my friends. you are all special to me!!

100 pounds gone!!! yippee

Sep 28, 2008

I have lost 101 pounds now. didn't think it would ever happen, but so glad it did.
   have some bad stomach pains, not sure what that is all about, I am over 7 months out now, almost 8.
   anyone that gets discouraged about not losing enough weight, just give it time. it will happen.
  I can still say I am so glad and happy that I had this surgery, it is awesome going to a store and trying on new clothes that you haven't worn that size since middle school. lol.
   Sat. I went to Goody's and found a pair of jeans on a clearance rack that was a size 12 stretch, Ashley Judd brand. Well of course they didn't have a price tag on them, so I went and tried them on, and they fit!! well when I got to register to check out, someone had hung them on the wrong rack, they were 37 dollars, I will not spend that much on a pair of jeans that may only fit for a couple of months, I said they didn't fit that good!!! lmao.

my measurements at 7 months out

Sep 11, 2008

waist was 51" now 39 inches
left arm was 15 now 13 inches
right arm was 14 1/2 now 12 inches
calves was 19 1/2 now 16 inches
thighs was 26 inches now 20 inches
chest was 54 inches now 40 inches
hips was 54 inches now 42 inches
neck was 17 inches and now 13 3/4 inches

I forgot to measure under my boobs when i had surgery, but now it is 36, also I was wearing a 46ddd bra, and I was hanging out of it, and now I wear a 38c
I have went from 26 pants being tight to most 14 pants, and I can wear some 13/14's which I think run smaller,
my feet isn't as big I can wear smaller shoes
I wear large and x-large tops, extra large is getting big though
I can now wear bracelets, watches, rings and necklaces, that I hadn't worn in years.
It has been a wild ride so far, my weight loss has halted, I haven't lost any weight in almost 2 weeks, I think I need to exercise more, but with helping my sister-in-law with her new baby and her other 2 rugrats, it is very hard sometimes. the baby has been sick with bronshitis, and now oh boy is she spoiled!!! and I didn't have a hand in that either!!! wink wink

still losing, little by little

Sep 06, 2008

this is Sept. 6th, I am down to 168 now, woohoo!!!
 I seen someone I have known for years yesterday, and he also knows my stepmom, and I hollered for her, and he kept staring at me, and then he came toward me with a big grin on his face, and said I didn't know who you was, you have gotten so little, lmao, I am still big, but boy did it make me feel good, I like 2 pounds losing 100 pounds, and I bet they will be the hardest ones to lose thus far.
   I have met so many nice people on here, and I want to thank every one of you, that has helped me through this process, and being there to answer my questions, each and everyone one of you all, are very special to me.

slowly but surely

Aug 28, 2008

I am still losing weight at a very slow pace, but it is better than gaining!! it is August 28th. I am down to 171, I haven't been there in years and I mean like 28 years.
  I had a wow moment last night, I went to help a church group sell stuff for a festival, and I seen a girl I went to high school with, and I hadn't seen her in a couple of years, and when she recognized me, she was like wow, you are skinny as a rail, hahahaha, I know I still have quite a ways to go to that point, but boy did it feel good.
  I seen some more people last night, and they couldn't figure out who I was until I spoke, kinda awesome huh.
   I have started losing a little more now, but what I did, I upped my protein, and I feel alot better, I am drinking 2 protein shakes a day, and trying to add more protein into my daily diet. I have lost like 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks, where I went almost a month and lost 2 pounds. So I am glad I upped the protein.
  Well that is all for now, I am going to Kingsport Tennessee to see my best friend Carol and her family,
   I was having a rough time a few days ago, long story short, something happened that is out of my control, and I creid and cried, but I am just hoping something good will happen to me and make my crisis dissappear.  byebye to all my friends and anyone who reads this,

not losing fast enough to satisfy me

Jul 01, 2008

I have only lost 5 pounds in the last 3 or 4 weeks, I am really dissapointed, I am just hoping I am gaining muscle or something to the affect. I am feeling like I am slipping into depression, after being on this ride. 
  I have went from a very tight 26 jeans, to a size 16 jeans. I love that part. well actually capris and shorts, I don't wear jeans much in the summer time, and I can't find any at yardsales that has jenas to fit, or anything much at all for that matter, I have very few clothes to wear, so I wear the same clothes over and over, I have to wash clothes most every day, lol.
   I have a hard time staying away from stuff that is quick to grab and eat on the run. but with 2 grown kids in the house, it is hard to keep anything for myself, lol. 
   I have a relationship with a man we have been seeing each other for 9 years, he lives 280 miles from me, I see him every other weekend, but I tell you it is getting so old, not having someone with me here most than 4 days a month. it sucks.  He can't find a good paying job where I live and I won't move cause my kids still live  with me, they are 19 and almost 21. I have the best kids in the world, well the youngest one just gives me trouble from being lazy and his girlfriend don't help matters, he has changed in the last year being with her. my oldest one I couldn't ask for a better child. my kids I am proud to say don't drink, smoke or do drugs. for that I am bery lucky and Thank God for helping me with them all these years, that I have raised them on my own.

4 months out

Jun 13, 2008

hi, it is hard to believe 4 months have gone since I had surgery Feb.12th. I am down 76 pounds. since Jan. and  70 since surgery. I feel like a new person inside and out. 

   I still  have yet to have the dumping syndrome. whick is a good thing. the only thing that almost made me sick, was eating a no sugar added ice cream. it was even a small bar, but my tummy hurt so bad, I had to go to bed. still no vomiting or anything. believe me I learned really quick not to eat anymore ice cream.
that was about a month out. when that happened.
I have also found out, I don't get near as hungry through the day if I drink protein in the mornings.

trying to get on the losing side

Jan 16, 2008

hello everyone that looks at this, my name is Lisa, I live in Eastern Ky. I have been overweight all my life. I have been looking into weight loss surgery for years. I went to Columbus several years ago and was turned down by aetna. 
    I got approved for surgery last week, and did my pre-op class this week, being Jan.15th, 2008. it has took over a year to get approved. make sure no matter what you see your family dr. once a month, I missed one month without realizing it and it messed me up by 3 months.
    I have 2 sons, 18 and 20, they are my life, them and my niece and nephews.  
    one reason I want to lose weight it to be able to keep up with Destiny 8 and Avery 5. I am 43 years old and they want me to act like I am 10 and run and play with them, I try but it sure isn't easy. I feel like their grandma most of the time. 
    I would like to start back in college and finish what I started a few years ago. 
    I am not married at this time, maybe in the future. 
    other day someone said, Lisa why are you having this surgery, you know we live to eat, and I said it is to to eat to live, and she said she didn't see it that way, and I told her, yeah I don't weigh 104 pounds soaking wet like you. what could she say to that, lmao.
   There is so many things I want to do when i lose weight, go on vacation, go hiking. not be embarrassed when I walk down the street, or sit in a restaurant without being stared at. I have an aunt that is very small and yes she does look at what other people puts on their plate at a place to eat. drives me nuts, when she talkes about them and how much they eat, and there I sit, so I know what she thinks about me, lol.
Well that is enough for now, talk to everyone soon, go to surgeon on the 4th of Feb. and get my surgery date.

About Me
Salyersville, KY
Surgery Date
Jul 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 34

Latest Blog 10
down to 161, and some days 160, lol
100 pounds gone!!! yippee
my measurements at 7 months out
still losing, little by little
slowly but surely
not losing fast enough to satisfy me
4 months out
trying to get on the losing side
