new nsv

Jun 03, 2011

 Camping over the holiday weekend was a blast. We went over to the KOA in Leavenworth. I was able to do some hiking down to the river and actually have no problem making it back up the hill! Before I never would have attempted it for the fear of not making it back up! I also got the courage up to play volleyball again. This is a big victory for me since this used to be my game back in high school and havent picked up a ball for over 15 yrs. We played together as a family instead of me always watching from the sidelines. It felt so good to get out there! Granted I wasnt as good as I used to be, but pleasantly surprised myself at what I was able to do...I was still pretty good and my kids were impressed and said I was one of the best ones out there! The next day my shoulder was aching from all the over hand serving and my arms were so bruised from all the bumping....but totally worth it in the end. Cant wait to get out there and play some more! My kids are actually really good at it too...they must have got their mama's talent!! lol. Im starting to feel like my old self again, except for with excess skin hanging off me. I really need to get to the gym and get into some kind of strength training to hopefully offset some of the skin issues. Maybe build a little muscle underneath it. I know the losing is going to get tougher now that Im passed 6 months but hopefully I will continue to lose and get to goal. One day at a time. 
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Apr 23, 2011

 Well, the hair loss is finally slowing down! Hooray! I still see some in the shower when I get out, but nothing like before! I think I probably lost half my volume of hair but it wasnt noticeable to anyone but me. Thank goodness! Ive been feeling pretty good lately except for tired in the evenings. I go in for my check up on Monday so we will see how all my levels are doing. I have been more active so maybe that is why Im more tired at night? Ive been reaching out to some of my friends and going walking every day. Funny how that has a big effect on my weight loss!!! Who knew? Ha ha. So the scale is moving a little bit faster downward than it was in the past. Which I am so happy about.  I'll update more on Monday!

So I figured out why Im fat!

Mar 25, 2011

So I figured out why I'm over weight !! The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my body says "for extra volume and body". I'm going to start using "Dawn" dish soap.....It says "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove".

Ha Ha...I love this!

My hair!!

Mar 25, 2011

 I hair started falling out at the beginning of Feb, so that was at about 2 1/2 -3 mos after surgery. I have a lot of thick hair so luckily its not too noticeable to anyone else. But for me, its pretty depressing. I get out of the shower and there is a big clump in the drain. Then I grab the back of my hair and I get another big clump out. Then when I brush it out and dry it...there is more! I cant believe I have any left, really.  Im hoping it slows down soon. I feel like Ive lost about half my volume. Im am shedding more than the dog right now! Hoping that I dont go bald before it ends.
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week by week/ month by month comparison

Mar 21, 2011

I started to feel like Im not losing very much weight lately. So I sat down and figured out how much weight week by week and monthly that I was losing. I guess when I put it down on paper it doesnt look so bad!

17 lost in liquid diet
wk 1 - 12
wk 2 - 6
wk 3 - 6
wk 4 - 3
Month 1 total 27

wk 5 - 5
wk 6 - 3
wk 7 - 3
wk 8 - 0
wk 9 - 4

Month 2 total 15

wk 10- 3
wk 11-3
wk 12-3
wk 13-1

Month 3 total 10

wk 14-2
wk 15-4
wk 16-4
wk 17-3

Month 4 total 13

wk 18 -1
wk 19 -3
wk 20 -2
wk 21 -2

Month 5 total 8

wk 22 -1
wk 23 -4
wk 24 - 0
wk 25 - 4

Month 6 total 9

wk 26 - 4
wk 27 - 2
wk 28 - 1
wk 29 - 2
wk 30 - 1

Month 7 total 10

wk 31- 1
wk 32- 3
wk 33- 1
wk 34 - 1

Month 8 total 6

wk 35 - 2
wk 36 - 3
wk 37 - 1
wk 38 - 1
wk 39 - 3

Month 9 total 10

wk 40 - 0
wk 41 - 2
wk 42 - 0
wk 43 - 2

Month 10 total 4

wk 44 - 1
wk 45 - 2

115 lost since surgery and 137 lost since liquid diet. 157 lbs since HW. Hooray!!


Time is flying by!

Mar 19, 2011

 I cant believe its March 18th already!! Ive been on 2 trips in the last month. One to SLC and one to Sacramento. Both trips were an NSV for me. For years I have always sat by my little girl so I would have room to overflow into her seat and not inconvenience anyone else on the flights. This time we went with her gymnastics team and 3 of us moms sat together and I stayed in my own seat! No overflowing!! It didnt feel uncomfortable at all and I had no trouble fastening the seat belt! What a feeling that was!! I was able to fit the tray table out..which before it rested on my stomach. I could even easily reach down and get my purse out from under the seat in front of me, which was impossible before. That was probably the most exciting thing to happen this month! 
Now Im on the lookout for a new bike. I sold mine years ago and Im ready to get back into riding. We will be doing some camping trips this summer so my daughter is excited to finally be able to ride with mom, instead of dad always doing the physical stuff.
Im doing pretty good as far as weight loss. Could be better if I would join the gym tho.
Here are my stats: HW 367.....SW 325......CW 260.....GOAL 160.
So Im down 107lbs total and 65 since surgery and 82 since liquid diet phase.
It really seems to be slowing down so I know I need to up my physical activity and get my water in.
Thats all for now...will update again soon.



Feb 02, 2011

Well, I havent posted in awhile. Went on a 2 week stall back in January which was a little depressing, but I got thru it. I am now down 48 lbs since surgery, 65 since pre-op diet, and 90 since I started my journey. I am starting to feel a lot better and have tons more energy. I still struggle with getting all my vitamins in but do my best. I actually went bowling on Sunday for the first time in 8 yrs! I actually forgot how...I had to retrain myself!! It was pretty comical but it was coming back to me by the end of the 2nd game. I ended it with 3 strikes in a row!! My score was like 168 or something. Cant wait to go again, but my legs were kinda sore the next day!! I can tell how out of shape I am if bowling makes me soar!!!

Today was a fun day for me. I am leaving tomorrow with my daughter for SLC since she has a gymnastics meet and I was really bummed that I couldnt afford to go out and buy some new clothes before we left. So this morning I got up and went shopping in my closet. I found at least 8 different shirts, some still with tags, that didnt used to fit or hoped I would fit into someday!  And now they do!!! So I'm pretty excited since I was getting tired of wearing the same old baggy stuff around.

Thats all for now....hopefully I'll try to check in again soon.

3 weeks, December 8, 2010

Dec 08, 2010

Well, I was just starting to get my energy back and got hit with a bad cold. I was down pretty much all the weekend. I thought for sure I would get stuck in the 3 week stall everyone talks about, but am doing pretty good. Week 1 down 12lbs. Week 2 down 6 lbs and week 3 down 5 lbs! So in 3 weeks I've dropped 23 lbs and since my pre op liquid diet I'm down a total of 40lbs! That would have taken me over 6 months trying to do it on my own. So I'm extactic with 40lbs in about a month! Have just been doing some walking, but no major workouts yet. I just dont have the energy since I'm still on clear liquids for 1 more week and just getting in my protein shakes and vitamins. Hopefully when I can start eating some foods, I will regain a little more of my energy. Thats all for now..will post again soon.

Sunday , November 28, 2010

Nov 28, 2010

Well, I made it through the holiday. I basically skipped it and let the family go celebrate at my sister in laws house. With me being on full liquids and not eating I thought it would be really hard to be around it all. So I opted out. It was a rough day since I was feeling a little depressed about my sleeve and missing the days when I could eat what I wanted. So thurs, fri, sat I didnt lose anything. Just stayed the same. I know I'm not supposed to weight everyday, but I'm addicted to the scale and always have been. Yesterday I hardly got in 28 oz of water and only 1 protein shake and no vitamins. I was extremely tired and lathargic all day and just didnt feel very good. I knew I had to turn things around and make sure I get everything in the next day and I would probably feel better. So I woke up this morning and the scale was actually down another 4 lbs! I was excited and decided today is the day that I make it a habit to get everything in. So far so good. Ive had 1 protein shake and 28oz of water so far and all my morning vitamins and a walk. Its almost time to get in another shake. I do feel better and have to remember that so I dont skip things anymore!! So today will make a total of 33 lbs!! I'm on my way! I see the Dr. on Wed for my 2 week ck so I'll write more then!

1 week out

Nov 28, 2010

Well, its been 1 week since my surgery. Feeling pretty good today. So the first week I lost 12 lbs and 17lbs on the 10-day pre op liquid diet. So a total of 29lbs in 17days!! Not bad! Still stuggling to get in liquids and protein and vitamins. I just need to figure out a schedule that works and stick to it. Hopefully it will get easier soon.

About Me
Edgewood, WA
Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2010
Member Since

Friends 51

Latest Blog 14
