Hi, everyone!! My name is Shauna I am a 25 year old mom of three beautiful girls,
(Bethany 7, Skylar
2 , Grace 1) I am also have been married for almost three wonderful years.
I have been heavy and struggled with my weight my whole like going from one crash diet to another.
My highest weight was 346lbs witch i hit JAN of this year. I have had surgery in the back of my mind
for about the last 5 years but ended up having kids and starting  life i guess you would say. So finally
when the time was right i reaserched all three surgureys and picked VSG. I had it on March 1st 2011
with a starting wieght of 346 and a surgery weight of 322 and am glad to say i am currently under 300
pounds for the first time ina long time.. Now im just trying to learn as much as i possible as i start my
new life..

GOAL #1  270lbs By my birthday 6/6 HALFWAY TO GAOL..... MET EARLY
GOAL #2  246lbs---100lbs LOST By 8/1 MET EARLY!!!
GOAL #3  195lbs FINAL WEIGHT 3/1/12 one year post-op MET AND PASSED

About Me
Mar 08, 2011
Member Since

Friends 13
