Successful Surgery

Apr 19, 2016

I had my RNY surgery on April 12th at Shands Hospital in Gainesville, FL. Go Gators! I couldn't be more pleased with how it went. I had almost no pain from the start. Now 6 days out I have absolutely no pain at all. I had no trouble eating or drinking after the surgery. At the hospital they made me drink OptiSource protein drinks and they were awful. Once I got home I started with Premier Protein drinks and I love them. I'm just so happy that the wait is over with and now I'm officially on the losers bench. I have much sympathy for those who have had problems with or after the surgery. I know I'm only 7 days out and bad things can still happen, but so far so good. Kudo's to my surgeon, Jeffrey Friedman and the staff at UFHealth.

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Surgery Date
Oct 30, 2015
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