
scheduled and counting down

Oct 09, 2012

So, I'm scheduled, pre-registered at the hospital and ready for surgery! October 16th, one week away. I'm so ready and pumped up! OK, alittle scared too. Not much though. I feel really comfortable with my surgeon and with choosing the surgery that I have. I think it's a good choice given my health history. I also feel good considering that my Oncologist is 110% in agreement with me having this surgery.

I've been able to convince Mom to stay home the day of surgery. She'll will only be nervous and panicky, and I don't want her to make Sean (hubby) freak out. I'm hoping that his mom will come and sit with him. But, on the other hand that might not be a good idea because she gets on his nerves! :)

So one more week and I'm into my new life!

Impatiently Waiting

Aug 31, 2012

I have one last thing to get to my surgeons office and I am SOOOOOOO impatient! My psych eval has to be scored and written up before it wiil be sent in. And I'll probably have to meet with her before it's sent. GGGGRRRRRRR.....I want this now! And it's a holiday weekend, so that's just more time....woohoo....impatience thy name is Tonia...

About Me
Vancouver, WA
Surgery Date
Aug 15, 2012
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