I am back 2 yrs after my Lap-Band surgery

Jan 28, 2012

It has been a long time, the same time that has taken me to give a boost to my weight loss.  The truth is that I have the Lab-Band, whic is only a tool to lose weight, but I was not getting the band adjustsments.  In 2-yrs. I had 4 adjustments, 2  the first year and two the second year.  The first 3 adjustments did not do the trick.  I actually gained weight, no that other people noticed, but I knew that I had gained some little weight.  I had given too much priority to my job, and I was also ashamed that I was not losing weight like a lot of people.  One day I said to myself that I kept going with the same behavior and attitude I would never reach my goals.  So, I made a phone call and I was sent to the hospital to take ca closer view  of my band.  I was told that my band looked perfect, and I got the best band adjustment ever :)  I immediately started losing weight.  I could tell the huge difference in my appetite. I can still see how the fat leaves my body, and at the same time I see how my body and my minds are also changing.  I can see my future now.  I know that as long as I use the Lap-Band as directed by my doctor I will reach my goals.  The truth is that I see each pound that I loose as a pound that I will not see back.  I weigh myself once every 2 wks or once a month.  I am not a slave of checking my weight as I did for each diet that I did.

I would love to reach one of my goals, which is 145150 pounds, but I am not sure if I really have to.  I guess I have to wait to see how I feel and how I look.  One thing that I reall want if plastic surgery.  I love to wear sleeve less shirts and dresses, but my arms look so flabby.  I do not understand how some people have great looking arms after loosing weight without plastic surgery.  If someone can give me a guarantee that if I exersice my arms and do weights my arms would look great, I would run to the gym right now.

I hope some of you read my post and give my your opinion about your experience with the lap-band and how your body is adapting to your weight loss.  I am now 204 lbs, and I cannot weight until I go to 100's.


Lap-band surgery this Wednesday

Nov 23, 2009

I am sooo happy that my surgery is going to be this Wednesday.  I have waited for so long that I cannot believe is going to be day two days from today.

I am making a list of things that I have to take to me for 1-day hospital stay.  I would appreciate any feedback you can give to my list.

Heating Pad
Extra pillow
Gas X trips
Toothbrush, paste and  mouthwash
Dvd Player/movies

I am also getting a list ready for the first week post op for things that I can eat.

Protein shakes,
Lipton soup pakets
can soup
Sugar Free Jello
Sugar free apple sauce
Sugar free popcicles
Sugar free pudding

I am looking forward for your support :)




Oct 29, 2009

I got a phone call from my hematologist with great news.  He will give me the medical clearance that I was waiting for.  My Von Williebrands disease results came normal.  

I cannot wait until the big day!

1 comment

Blood testing and thoughts

Oct 20, 2009

I was finally able to get my blood test for platlett aggreagate study.  It took a month to get to this day, since the study is only done in one hospital in the area.  Now is just a matter of getting the results that that I can get my Medical release for my hematologist.  The test is only to have a plan in case I bleed more than normal. 

Surgery is for November 25, and I am very happy that the day is getting closer.  I keep reading your posts and learning from you all.  I do not have a guardian angel yet.  We'll see if I get one before surgery.

My brain is ready for this challenge and my body too.  I hope to lose more weight before surgery, and to continue to get my body, soul and brain ready before surgery.  Not all of us have the same ideas and not all of us need the same type of surgery.  I have learn to respect people's ideas.  I think that the most important thing is that each one of us as a person know all the facts and get as much as information and support.

I wish you all a great day and an awesome journey.

Happy trails,


Isopure low carb supplement

Oct 12, 2009

I recently bought Low Carb Isopure powder shake and is great! It has 220 calories, 50 grams of protein, and only 3 grams.of Carbs.  It really good. :)



Sep 30, 2009

I was so happy when I went to my pre-op appt because I was less than two weeks away from surgery.  Later, during the day, got a call from my hematologist that he does not want me to get the surgery until some other labs are done and the appt is not until Oct. 20th.  The lab results take a week to come back.

I decided then, to take advantage that the company I work for is off during Thanksgiving and the next day, so that I do not have to use too many sick days.  Now, my Mom and my sisters can come to see me because is a holiday.  I guess is better this way, we are being safe, plus I can have my family with me.

I have no apprehensions and I am super ready for the surgery.  I have lost 13lbs. during the last 2.5 weeks, so I can't complaint.

Happy trails


Sep 11, 2009

I am soooo happy that I got my surgery schedule for October 2nd.  I am still going to some appointments, but I am almost done.  I am ready for my new start, but I am starting my pre-op diet this weekend.  I am not too good with feeling satisfy on liquid modified diet, but I will do my best.  I am looking forward to my new stomach size:)



Sep 01, 2009

Hola, This is a fresh start for me.  I have been approved my insurance BCBS for lap-band surgery.  I am currently going to my appointments. Last night I had the sleep study, which it was not that bad, and I was told that I do not have sleep apnea.  I was so happy to hear that.  Today I had the Barium Swallow. I did not have a clue how bad that stuff taste.  I am looking forward to hear the results, as this provides information about several organs.

Went I went to the doctor they weigh me with my clothes and shoes on and the scale put me at 268.  I almost choked as I have never in my life thought that I could weight this much.

I am facing all my aprehensions and fears at this time.  This decision has been one that has taken over 5 yrs on the making and I have to say, that I have decided that the Lap-Band is the best decision I have ever made.

My husbands is a great supporter.  The same thing withthe people at work, but I do not want to share my news with my family at this time.  I know that they are not going to be supportive, and I know is going to hurt.  Just the thought of what they can say to me, it makes me feel very uncomfortable.  After the surgery, they will find out at the right time, and then I know that I will not care.  I have to have the best attitute possible.  I know that God is guiding me and will  be with me all the way.

My excess weight is making me feel so tired.  My feet, knees and back hurt and this limits my regular activities.  I go to work, stay home on the weekends and due the minimum.  I hope to change this life style very soon.

I am hoping to meet new people from everywhere and get their support, as I will give you mine.  I will keep you posted and will let you know for sure if my surgery will be on Sept 25.  I should know by next week.

Have a great evening!  Happy trails.


About Me
Aldie, VA
Surgery Date
Sep 01, 2009
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