some answers

Feb 04, 2010

Well, I went to see the Orthopedic today and got some news.  it seems i was right, and we are more than likely dealing with a pinched nerve and it is coming from my back.  He does not feel the need to do an MRI at this point in time which I am happy about.  We are going to try to do six days worth of steroids to see if we can strengthen the are and decrease the inflammation and hopefully the nerve will settle down.  I am so happy at the thought of getting back to my office on Monday. I wont be able to step into my regular six hours of deep tissue massage a day routine but we will start with two clients a day and I will just be thankful to get back to life again.  He did tell me to expect some weight gain which is always a bummer to hear but I have already put on weight being on bed rest. I know it wont last and most of it is fluid from inactivity but still, I have gotten very used to the numbers dropping on the scale.  One day at a time, but its progress at least and at this point, after two weeks of this, i will take whatever I can get!


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Surgery Date
Oct 23, 2008
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