Wow... Where in the world to start.  I have been overweight my entire life. I  was told that I would never have children... (although I am the Mom of 3 wonderful boys (1 stepson and 2 births - God is amazing!).  I have always been reminded all of my life that I was fat...  My brother tormented me and my Mom acted ashamed of me....  Not always but when someone noticed my weight - she was embarassed.   I could tell you volumes... but we won't go there...  

Through the years I - like most of you guys ... have tried everything that I could afford and then some.  I have tried prescription drugs.... counting calories.... carbs.... fat grams...   I have done the excercise... starving myself....and I just can't stand the circle I've been in.  Lose 50 lbs - gain 70 back. lose 30 lbs gain back 40.   I am divorced (first husband was an insensitive jerk), and I lost a large amount of weight after that.  I guess that would be the divorce diet ... lol (don't recommend that to anybody).  I have since remarried and have found my true soul mate.  We've been married for 13 1/2  years now.  He is a gem and sees me for me.  I considered surgery after my last major attempt at dieting when lost nearly 75 lbs and gained ALL of it back and more - a lot more... and I just gave up.  I found my weight starting to be a problem with my getting around and doing the things I love most.  I can't walk nature trails (problems with my back, hip and knees hurting), I''m too big to ride theme park rides, or get on waterpark slides (not that sporting a bathing suit is at the top of my "favortite things to do list") LOL.   

Quite a few years ago, I talked to my husband about surgery.  He thought that I was fine the way I was.  But that was quite a number of pounds ago - before it started to impact my life.  But I never really quit thinking about it.  Besides.... I couldn't afford it......

 Last year in the span of about three weeks - I had 2 small children blatenly say " Man you're fat!"... and " You're a really fat lady".  I know children are brutely honest - so I just looked at them and said... "Yes... I am"  of course the folks they were with were mortified... but not as much as I was....   Then the company I work for asked me to go out of town.  The last time I went - (about 65 lbs ago) I could barely fit into the commuter jet seats - so I knew this time I was going to need two.  I about died to ask my boss for the additional seat - and the airport personnel can be such idiots when trying to explain that the two seats are for yourself and there is no other passenger....  Well that was the last straw - I had to make a change....

Back in September - I joined a local chapter of Sweet Adelines Internaltional (a Ladies Barbershop Harmony group) and started talking with one of the members who had told me that she had lost 140 pounds.  That got me thinking - so I asked her how.  When she told me weight loss surgery - I thought - maybe it's time to check it out again.

So here I am... on the way to a NEW LIFE!   I talked to my PCP that recommended 2 different surgeons in my insurance plan - I went to both seminars - talked to people that have had both as surgeons and made my choice. 

I went to my first consult last week and have an appointment to for my psych eval on 1/31.  ( I already had a physical with blood work and an EKG - so I was a little ahead of the game)

As of January 1st - I gave up sodas (so much for my Mountain Dew addiction) and I gave up Caffeine altogether... (that was fun...LOL) so I am on my way.    I just started the Atkins diet  early so that I can lose some weight and help ensure a lower surgery risk and a better chance of my RNY being laproscopic.  I have started walking ( be it only about 15 minutes to 20 per day - but ya got to start somewhere).

You know.... I just want to be around to see my kids grow up ...... and enjoy them...



Height:          5ft 5in
Heaviest Weight 366 ( Last December)
Current weight    362.5

About Me
Chapin, SC
Surgery Date
Jan 22, 2008
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 25
Still Going.....
Inching Along
Wooot Wooot!!!!! Big Goal made today!!!!!
2nd time around....
Today's looking up....
The good bad and ugly of the first 11 days.
Ok..... Tomorrow's the BIG DAY!
Pre-op Hospital visit
Oh My goodness..... I HAVE A DATE!
Hurry Up!... and wait....
