3 Days Post-Op.

Dec 15, 2011

 Boy oh boy.. what an interesting experience. My surgery was Monday the 12th, scheduled to start at 7:30 am. However, I got all prepped and ready and the fellow came in around 7:40 to tell me that my surgeon had an emergency surgery to take care of. So, I was informed that my surgery wouldn't be till around at least 12:00 pm. So, there I lay in my hospital gown, uncomfortable as anything.. waiting.. Finally, after several naps, etc.. I got 'called' for surgery around 12:45 or so.. people came in to prep me.. and I left that room (Which I had been in since 5:20am) at 2:33pm. That part was weird.. she said she would give me some 'good stuff' and when we get to the operating room I'll give you some 'better stuff' So, the good stuff came... I didn't feel it. So, she gave me another shot of the 'good stuff' I remember being rolled off, I remember getting to the operating room. I remember moving from the bed to the table. I remember them asking me some questions and I was gone. Waking up.. was awful. I was in the most insane amount of pain, it was intense. I'm pretty sure I was crying, screaming, and making every other loud noise in the building. I'm pretty good with pain, too.. So, that's kinda crazy. Needless to say, I was pushing the morphine button as often as I could remember that it was there. I was up out of bed and walking down the hallway about 4 hours after that. Finally, the next morning, I got my catheter out! I was hooked up to a majillion other machines though. I could probably do my top 5 hated hookups. 1. The Oxygen level finger sticker thing. (That came off on Wednesday) 2. The Oxygen up my nose. 3. The Catheter 4. The compression booties 5. The drainage tubes. Okay, so those are my most hated.. and I was most excited to get those off.  Enough rambling, I'm at the hospitality house, we have to stay here until Monday just in case something happens. I feel okay.. I get stomach aches from time to time. They stink. I'm not sure how much I should be eating.. It's all kind of confusing. I'm sure it will come together in time!


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Dec 01, 2011
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