5mnths 84 pounds

Apr 30, 2008

Its been five months since I had wls. What a road I have had. I have been working out each day since the day of surgery. I walk 4 to 8 miles a day. That part is great. The major problem that I am having is with my eating. I eat  a  small fraction of what I did before surgery. My problem is that I stay home all day. I have a 2 year old and I tend to graze with her during the day. Though I tend to eat little while grazing, I eat bad carbs, such as chips, cookies, and so on. This really scares me because I don't want to be one of those bouncing back type people. God has been good by blessing me with this tool and not complications. I can only pray that it will continue. I have also had abuse in my past and have now found that I was hiding behind the weight. The more the weight comes off it is almost as if I am taking power over my life from the devils demons that hunted me for so many years of my life. Realizing this really has me bumped about the weight loss and makes me want to workout more. It all of a sudden seems as if I am walking towards my freedom from my past demons of abuse. May Gods blessing and mercy be made a new in your life.

195 as of 02/06/08

Feb 06, 2008

Hello, I am two months out and have lost 49 pounds. I feel blessed. I have been working out every day of the week, walking over three miles a day. I am having trouble hanging in there with college, distracted by the weight loose and my two children. It is my over all goal to get down below 120. The only problem I see having is that I want to eat all the time. I eat around 800 calories a day. I would like to eat 600 calories a day at two months out. I just can't figure why I always want to eat? I guess I will make a post on the message board and see what they say until I go to the doc later this month. God Bless you all.

January 15,2008

Jan 15, 2008

Where do i start? Well my adventure started 11/26/07 and I have since lost 37 pounds. I have gained so much energy and a renewed self love and desire. Before surgery I had just given up all hope on loosing the weight.  I am now at 205, it is my goal to get down to 120 with in the next year. I found out today that I have been walking 5 miles a day. I thought it was a mile around my local track it turns out it was more. I am happy. My weight was about everything good and everything bad. Food played a role in every good and bad emotion. I am trying to work on myself on the inside and out.

About Me
Dallas, TX
Dec 27, 2007
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 3
5mnths 84 pounds
195 as of 02/06/08
January 15,2008
