i've been overweight since i'm fifteen after my first child. i have suffered from depression for more than four years, i dropped out high school and basically missed out on my teenage years. i am now married and my daughter will be 8 but i am not satisfied i would like to be back in shape because i feel embarrased at parent teacher conferences i am the youngest mother and probably the fattest there. i cant stand up for ten minutes straight because my back and my feet will swell and hurt so bad sometimes i would have to stay in bed two days straight. i have tried every diet there is (healthy and un healthy) i have tried going to the gym which i do enjoy but after a while lack of motivation due to not loosing weight will stop me from going back. i need this push to get my life on track before i gain even more weight and/or develope any further health problems.  I really always saw surgery as my last resort thinking I could achieve my goal of loosing weight dieting and excercising alone but unfortunately it hasn't worked I just pray and hope this will turn out for the best and I can feel supported. There is nothing I want than to fit in to jeans size 5 again :)

About Me
Sep 29, 2011
Member Since

Friends 3
