In the Past 48 Hours....

Aug 07, 2009

Well let's see....the in the past 48 hours I have been to the ER twice and had a full seizure with convulsions.

Okay, rewind to Wednesday Night:
I worked from 10am to 9pm, Justin met me up at the store and we headed over to Lake Forest Hospital ER to see if they can determine why I am hurting so bad. They drew blood and did a CT Scan. All of my bloodwork came back normal, which surprises me because I have not been able to keep down my multi-vitamins in weeks. My CT Scan shows a cyst in my lower left abdomin, as well as some free fluid and some stranding in the tissue. What does that mean? Adhesions in my fatty tissue which is most likely do to him removing scar tissue from my C-Section when inside me. He said to go to my ultrasound Thursday morning as most likely my ovaries are the culprit. Justin told Jason I was in the ER and Jason covered me Thursday. (I love you Jason, thank you for understanding!) ER doctor gave me a RX for Liquid Oxycodone (Oxycotin). Tried filling it at Walgreens, they had none stocked and it'd take a week to come in?! WTF.

Thursday Morning 8am:
I go in for my ultrasound. Low and behold, NO cysts on my ovaries, my uterus lining looks fine, the Radiologist is baffled. He sees nothing wrong with my female organs. So why then am I hurting so badly?! He said at this point an MRI may give a closer look at what's causing this. We leave and head to Antioch Walmart to get some foodstuffs for me and get my pain med filled. My Pharmacist Katie said the stuff is EXTREMELY controlled and she only had 72ml of the 100ml and the RX was only good for 7 days and she wouldn't get the rest in time. So I had it flavored and we headed home to pick up the kids. Got home at 12:30pm I took 2 tsps of the Oxycodone and layed down. I could feel it hitting me within minutes but the pain was still VERY much there.
Got up around 4pm and spent the rest of the day with the kids. Around 9pm I sat down to eat some apple slices with peanut butter. I threw it up immediately. I tried again but took the skin off and it stayed down no problem. Okay, no more apple skin. I log onto WoW, raid for a little bit. Around 12:45am I am sitting at my desk and it hits me. I say to Justin: "I feel like I'm going to pass out." Sure enough, within 30 seconds I went into a full seizure, convulsing in my chair. Justin had no idea what to do. It was over a minute and I was still seizing so he slapped me (Bet he enjoyed that!) and it knocked me out of it. He rolled me over to the couch where I stumbled onto the couch and laid there, shocked and freaking out barely conscious. He tested my bloodsugar, it was normal at 128. So that didn't trigger it. No idea what did, Justin thinks it's the Oxycodone but 12.5 hours later?? I went to bed still feeling dizzy and Justin still worried about me.

Friday Morning (Today):
I had my appt to get my IUD inserted at me OB in Rockford at 1pm. In the middle of having that done my PCP calls back and tells me to go to the ER an get tests ran to find out why I had the seizure. My surgeon also called me back and said he took a look at my CT Scan and said the only thing he can think of is I have an internal infection so he prescribed an antibiotic.

Friday Evening (Today):
Get back to Round Lake, drop off the kids with Justin's parents and we head to Victory ER in Waukegan. Got there, explained the severe pain and the seizure and they look at me like: "WTF do you expect us to do?!" I tell them my PCP sent me and wanted tests ran. So they did bloodwork. As the nurse was taking my blood she asked about my pain meds. I told her LF ER gave me Oxycodone. She had a look of shock and horror on her face. She said: "You do realize that is the strongest legal narcotic on the market and it's really only for cancer patients right?!" I reply with: "No, but if it's so strong why didn't it atleast relieve SOME of my pain?" She didn't have an answer. Thought so. Anyways, the ER doctor comes back, says my bloodwork is fine and that he was prescribing me Depokote for the weekend. I flipped out. Why give me an Epilepsy med (was on Dep for 5 years as a child for Epilepsy) when we are not for sure that my Epilepsy is recurring?! It could have been the pain or the Oxycodone that triggered the seizure. My PCP wants to know for sure. I got pissed that they were refusing to test me and I stormed out.

So, now I have to wait until Monday to see my PCP and try to get in with a Neurologist to get an EEG done to see if my Epilepsy is back. UGH!

This week has been stressful, upsetting, and down right BAD!

My IUD has been implanted and now I'm dealing with cramping and bleeding as well, but atleast it's done with and will take effect by Sunday.

Anyways, thats my 48 update.....never a dull moment. *Sigh*


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Lake Villa, IL
Surgery Date
Mar 05, 2009
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