Channeling Happiness

Sep 08, 2009

OK, so maybe things aren't the way they seemed. Maybe my friend touched a sensitive core yesterday and I reacted defensively. I don't have a lot of true friends left and this one certainly never gave me reason to believe she didn't support me. Our conversation has been weighing heavily on my mind since it went down yesterday and that doesn't happen unless I feel uneasy about my own actions. All I'm saying is, I could have been unfair in my assessment of her actions/words. They certainly got me to thinking. There are areas of improvement that I need to deal with but all in all, I think I'm doing pretty damn good. I am extremely happy with the results I've been getting.  However with that said, I still indulge in sweet things a lot more than I should. So now that I find my friends words more inspirational than harmful, I think I will focus on my sweet tooth and see the benefits I will reap (maybe instead of losing 2 pounds per week, it will 2.5 or even 3). I remember her saying yesterday, "the last thing you want to do is gain your weight back, because you know someone is just waiting for that to happen", isn't that sad, but unfortunately very true. There are always going to be people in the world that would rather see you fail than succeed. And what I have to say for people like that something with your life and stop living in your own happiness and get on with living your life to the fullest(code for stop hating) !


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Toledo, OH
May 13, 2008
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