Surgery Review of Dr. Jose Rodriguez @ Star Medica in Juarez

Jul 15, 2009

Guys, I wrote a post here in painstaking detail for anyone looking for info on my surgeon.
Love him, his attentiveness, his staff, and Star Medica hospital. Having no complications with my sleeve right now.
I'm still on clear liquids until tomorrow, though, so I guess that's when the fun REALLY begins ;>

Also, I'm not looking to add any new friends to my friends list at the moment so am denying requests for a while. I've got some amazing people on there currently, and I'm steadily growing closer and closer to the OH friends I already have. I like looking in on them and chatting with them, and probably can't attentively handle any more right now. Nothing personal, I just don't wanna be a friend hog unless I have a TON in common with them.
Every single one of us on this site are here for support and guidance, and that's why I love this community.


Jun 25, 2009

I just spent all night looking at Before/After pictures on this site.
My boyfriend's a bit down because he thinks I've crossed over from mildly bi to full-on lesbian since I kept waking him up saying "OMG LOOK AT HER BEFORE AND AFTER!"
The success stories on here are pretty damn mesmerising. I even found two people with my same beginning body type (all hips, nice waist, no boobs) and saw what they were like at the end of their "journey" (sorry, the word makes me laugh I can't help it. I know WLS is SRS bzness) and they looked so superfab. And the shit they were doing with their lives was awesome.
It's like those tampon commercials - I will be waterskiing and yachting and kayaking and shit.
A lot of women were beautiful before, but their after pictures exude such confidence it's amazing.
They're my new superheros.


You win some, you lose some,

Jun 21, 2009

It's my birthday
It's 8 days before I get my sleeve
It's Father's Day
It's the first day of Summer
It's my parent's anniversary
It's me and my man's last weekend together before he leaves back for Paris and I leave for surgery freakdom
It's my last solstice to dance around the bonfire as a fat girl.

So ... I had a glass of wine.

My doc said to start the pre-op diet 7 days before surgery, but I started 14 days before surgery.
So I kinda blew my promise to myself, but not my promise to the doc.

I'm stll beating myself up over it, tho.
And now Tyra is judging me wit her eyez.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 01, 2008
Member Since

Friends 68

Latest Blog 3
