
Ending week 2

Apr 20, 2015

Hello all,

So its the end of week 2, and I must say that I am disappointed in myself.  I have gained some of the weight that I have worked so hard to get off! UGH!!!! WHat happened? This weekend happened.  Now, I did not over endulge on my calories while I ate.  It was 2 of my friend's bdays this weekend, and I said no to all of the cupcakes, French fries, and IHOP adventures.  However, I did not say no to the alcohol.  In fact, I turned down NO DRINKS!!! I drank like a sailor.  I had about 10 ounces of alcohol on Friday (which were either shots or drunken with diet coke).  On Saturday, I had about the same except it wasn't with diet pop.... juice, AND I mixed it with dark flavored liquor.... No worries, I was with my boyfriend and my sister was the DD, but I drank so much! Alcohol causes dehydration as well as weight gain from empty calories.  And because I drank so much, I failed to log in my foods for those 2 days.  I consumed thousands in empty calories.... almost 2000 to be exact. 

BUT--- Why did I get on that scale this morning and it showed a 6 lb weight gain? That seems like a lot from 2000 calories... I'm thinking because it was so early in the morning? Or the fact that I haven't drunk any water for like 3 days? Or maybe its sodium levels? I'm not sure so I'm waiting a couple of days to see if there is a change.  I hoe so.  Fingers crossed.

Although I stated before that I was disappointed in myself, I DO NOT feel like I have failed... It's just a lesson learned.  Now I know that in order to ensure success, I must give up the guilty pleasure and sin of alcohol.  Yes, it is a sacrifice but I would rather loose the weight.   I know I can do this.  I know that this week will be especially hard for me because this is the usual giving up point for me.  This is where I grow bored of the healthier eating and get tired of working out.  This is where papers and obligations begin to pile up, and life gets out of hand that I don't make losing weight a priority.  This is where all weapons are forming against me, but they SHALL NOT prosper.  Rome wasn't built in a day.  I didn't gain this weight overnight, and Its gonna take time and patience to loose it all again.  Never lose sight of the prize!

A lesson in disguise,



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Apr 07, 2015
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