just wondering

Feb 05, 2010

Hi everyone out there in cyberspace...I'm brand new to Obesity Help and I thought I should get some sort of support, other than my friends and family. I had lap=band surgery on Jan 5ht of 2010 and I'm just not seeing the results that I thought I would have. I've had my first fill on Jan. 27th and I don't think my doc made it tight enough. I'm still able to eat a whole lean cuisine and maybe a pc of fruit too. I just feel like I'm not restricted enough!!! I'm getting frustrated and I have a really long haul and don't want to get off to a bad start. I've lost about 13lbs since surgery but I guess I just feel like it should be more. Can anyone add any insight??

Thanks for listening

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Chicago, IL
Feb 05, 2010
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