No more excuses.

Jan 31, 2012

I am passed the 3 month mark. Never did I think this would go so quickly.  As you all know, the last 3 months were definitely eventful. Now that the dust has settled I have been having a hard time getting into a routine.  Every week I watch The Biggest Loser and last week's episode was about excuses. We all make excuses for why we eat what we want and not get up and go the gym.  I have decided to implement that. No more excuses- IN LIFE!  I am making it my business to get my butt to the gym everyday (well at least 5 days/week).  I am making it my business to get my protein, water and vitamins in every single day. I am ending my relationship with the scale and although the numbers matter, I am no longer making weight related goals. I find that these goals no longer motivate me but events and clothes do.  I am planning a weekend trip to Miami with some of my friends for one of their 25th birthdays and that has been the fuel to my fire.  I have been to Miami a few times and every time has been as a fat tag along friend. Not this time!! My goal is to be COMFORTABLE in a 2 piece bathing suit.  I know I won't have 6 pack abs and a firm tight butt by that time but I know that by trying really hard I will at least feel comfortable with where my body is at that point to prance around and not feel like a whale. 

Taking the no excuses approach and incorporating it into all aspects of my life also means that school has become my priority. While I have been home and taking a break, I have been able to secure a job. But that's just what it is, a JOB! Not a career! I have made it my business to work and save so that I can go back to medical school this year.  If I fall short of saving enough money to be able to pay for it I have come up with back up plans and have applied for re-admission into nursing school at my old nursing school and one that is closer to my house.  I have also applied to a medical school in Ohio which is a lot closer than going back to Antigua. If I get into the school in Ohio, I will be doing a summer program there this summer for 6 weeks. 

No more excuses! No more outrageous spending on clothes, shoes, purses, and accessories. I have placed myself on a budget and starting with today (1st day of a new month) I am tracking every penny I spend! I plan to pay off all my credit card debt in a few months and get my credit back into shape.

I hope I can keep up with this no excuses lifestyle without going crazy but if you want something back enough, you have to work hard for it, be dedicated and determined, and make sacrifices when necessary.

Hope everyone is pushing through whether on the journey to surgery or on their way to the new happier, healthier you! Good luck everyone!!!
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3 months tomorrow....

Jan 16, 2012

Tomorrow is my 3 month surgiversary and my 3 month post op appointment. I had my blood work done on Saturday and I am dreading finding out the results tomorrow.  My hair is breaking and shedding horribly and I know it is because I have not been doing as well with my vitamins.  My hair isn't as thick as it used to be and the split ends are insane. But that is giving me motivation to get back on track with the vitamins. I have planned out my week of vitamins and hopefully that will help keep me on track.  I am looking forward to have my weigh in as well.  I feel like I am on track but then again I feel like I might be a little belowwhere I should be in terms of weight loss. All in all, I am happy with the progress so far.

Finally back on track....

Dec 27, 2011

So I finally feel normal. No more feeling like I still have a band and constantly throwing up. I finally know what it feels like to have an RNY and I love it.  I am finally able to eat normal protein portions. After being dilated and getting a small tear in my stomach, having emergency surgery and being in the hospital for 3 days I feel so much better.  At least I know why I was having such difficulties eating.  I feel hunger and I feel full which is awesome.  I am content with what I can eat and although I still crave bad food I focus on my health and doing the weight loss right this time. I am happy. I have a job when many others are struggling to get one.  I have my family and my true friends around me and supporting me. And me and the ex-bf are working on things and I think this time things will work out for the best.  Now I finally have hope of getting married and not being a plus size bride and shopping at a regular bridal store lol. My masters classes are going well and I will be back in medical school in August. What more can a girl ask for? I am at my lowest weight in my adult life and the skies the limit.  Hope everyone is doing well and for those of you just beginning just keep pushing forward. It is sooooo worth it.
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State of Mind

Dec 12, 2011

I haven't been able to post like I wanted to over the past few weeks.
Thanksgiving went well. I had some turkey thrown into my food processor, a bite of stuffing, and about 3 leaves of baby spinach. A bite of pumpkin pie. Honestly didn't enjoy anything that much.

My weight loss has been steady over the past several weeks as well, 2-3 lbs/week.

I got a new job finally and I am adjusting to it so far.

So all my complaining about food from about week 2 has finally amounted to what we believe is a stricture.  Do I regret having surgery?? NO WAY!!!! I couldn't be happier.  Honestly it is sad to say but not having eaten in the last 6 days, I have lost about 7 lbs lol.  But not being able to eat has made me come to the realization that there is nothing I can't live without. 

I am afraid of regaining weight in the long run but I am also aware that I have to let nature take its course.  What I think may be my goal weight may not be where my body wants to be....all in due time.  I have come to the conclusion that this is not going to be a change for 1 or 2 years. I will have to watch what I eat and workout for the rest of my life.  I am ready for the ride called life as a RNY patient. 

Does that mean I am going to eat 100% healthy all the time? Heck no!!! I plan to live life to the fullest and enjoy because no matter what I am going to die eventually. With that said do I plan to eat what I used to and do it 100% of the time? NO sirry!!!! I plan to eat healthy most of the time and splurge on occassion.  Maybe eating a small amount of what I want once a week or once every two weeks.  Some may not agree with me but hey it's life. It hurts to see people go through this surgery and then regain all their weight or go back to old habits on a daily basis. It is just sad to say the least.

One thing I have realized, I do not think as of now I am a dumper. I prayed and was almost certain I would be because alot of times I would get sick when I ate greasy or sugary food when I had the band. I would get sweats and the runs.  So I thought for sure I would be a dumper but doesn't seem to be the case. Do I take it as a green light to eat what I want? hahahahahahaha NOPE!!! Life is about moderation and making adjustments.  I love sweets and candy. I also love savory foods.  Knowing that sugar can be my downfall I eat as if I am diabetic. Everything is sugar free. YES I eat candy but all sugar free. I drink my crystal light and diet snapple and have no sugary beverages at all.  As far as the savory, it is fat free or reduced fat all the way. I eat my cheeses and I enjoy it.  I honestly don't see the differences unless cooking with them.  When I cook for others I will use the regular stuff.

The hardest part so far? abstaining from alcohol. I can't even lie about this one.  If I am not around it, I don't miss it but Nov and Dec are big birthday months for friends and family so I have been going out almost every weekend for the past few weeks.  It has been so hard. I don't really want to carry around a bottle of water but most nights I do. Or I get a SF Redbull (I know bad) and then mix it in a cup with half water and some lime. Most people have no idea what I am drinking lol and it makes me feel better.  Sometimes I do the same but with cranberry juice.  When I see my friends/family drink I sometimes have a sip (not enough to swallow just to moisten my tongue) from them but only if they know I can't drink because they won't let me drink it.  I know I will eventually drink and possibly before I am supposed to but I know that is the demon I face more so than food.  I am by no means an alcoholic but I am a social drinker.  When I drink I DRINK!!! But I know the effects of surgery and I won't be able to do what I used to and I am prepared for that.  My birthday is coming up in about 3 weeks (NEW YEARS EVE) and I have been debating. Guess I won't know what I am going to do until the day arrives.

I have started seeing some folding of the skin and some wrinkly skin here and there, I think if I continue to exercise and lift weights, plastics (except for my boobs) won't be something I have to really worry about.  My boobs are gone. Deflated and sagging. I was never perky but sheesh I don't even have kids yet but I am okay with it. Part of what I signed up for.

As of now I have my scope scheduled for thursday and we'll see how it goes.  I hope they find the issue stricture or whatever and fix it so I can start eating again.  I was finally getting on track with all my nutrients and this has been a major set back.

Ok I think I got it all out for now.  Hope everyone is doing well!!! Stay positive and don't lose your prospective.


Tomorrow marks a month...

Nov 13, 2011

and I have been having some buyers remorse.  What was wrong with how I was? Sure I was morbidly obese but didn't have any related medical conditions. I was pretty happy and confident.  Only thing is I wanted to look better in clothes and I was tired of people staring at my butt.  I am still learning day by day about this surgery.  i have been doing much better with the proteins but still not so good with the water/fluids or vitamins.  I think once I get a job and have a schedule to go by, it will make things easier for me.  I am definitely realizing when people say they eat something one day and the next day, it may not agree, how true that is.  This past week has been so hard. I have been dealing with a lot of personal issues as well as struggling to eat and exercise.  Today is a new day and tomorrow I officially go back to the gym and I can't wait for my Zumba class. 

On a brighter note, went shopping at the outlets with my bff Friday. For the 1st time I was able to shop at NY&Co and OMG the clothes fit.  I decided to purchase 2 clearance items and I have been wanting a blazer so bad so I got one.  It fit so well except for the sleeves  but that will just motivate me to get in the gym and lose the fat off my arms. 2 more weeks left in my classes for the quarter and my birthday is next month!!!! Hope everyone is doing well!!!

3 weeks out....

Nov 06, 2011

and I am at a stall.  I know I haven't been eating how I am supposed to as I am afraid to try anything and everything. I do get my protein in for the most part. Still working on getting my fluids in.  As far as exercising that has been non existent.  I had my 1st post-op appointment on Nov 1st.  That went pretty well. I was down 17lbs from surgery.  They were pretty impressed.  I have been pretty much stalled at this point.  I haven't really moved for the last 10 days.  I know I have to up my activity but that is where I am having a problem. It is cold outside and I can't really afford a gym membership right now.  I am trying to get a student discount at a gym near me that offers classes since I know I can stick to those better than just doing machines. 

The last 2 weeks have been rough. I am low on energy and I still don't have a job.  I don't go back to school until August and would like to do something to make some money while I am home.  I also want to start working out so that I can make the best of the honeymoon phase.  I know that being a revision my weight loss may be slower than those that were 1st time RNYers.  I just don't want to fail at this and want this to work for me.  The current goal I am working on now is to reach 199 by my birthday which is Dec 31st.  It is way too early for me to be discouraged now.  So I vow that this week is going to be a turning point for me.  I also bought a Jillian Michaels wii game so I am going to try that out while I figure out what to do in regards to the gym.  Hope all is well and stay blessed!!!

Trying to keep up with my body...

Oct 27, 2011

This surgery has really been life changing.  2 days ago I basically divorced 3 friends all at the same time thru he said/she said nonsense.  It hurts but I have to focus on this journey right now. 

I have been soooo unmotivated to walk/exercise. The weather has been cold and since I was only supposed to stay in NY for a few weeks I didn't get a gym membership. Last night it dawned on me that I have a Wii system that I got as a gift 2 years ago that was sitting in my room collecting dust.  I used to play all the time before I moved for school. I turned it on an ended up playing tennis for about an hour. OMG!!! I was sweating huffing and puffing and I felt awesome. 

I had also been craving real food and even contemplated foregoing this liquid diet and prematurely advancing to soft foods. Instead I went to BJ's and bought a box of SF gelatin (they are only 5 cals vs the Jell-o brand). They were awesome and just what I needed.  I got alot more water in yesterday probably close to 20oz. I have to try harder to get more in. 

They weight is literally melting off and I have to keep up with it so that I don't stop losing.  It is so easy to not want to help this tool when I can literally sit around all day and still lose weight. I keep telling myself if I can lose this much without doing a thing, imagine how much more I will lose if I start moving around.  That is my motivation. Also I want to minimize the excess skin so I definitely am going to start strength training. 

The idea of support group to me during my 1st surgery was just so I can get approved but not this time.  Tuesday I got myself up and out of the house and went to support group and it was awesome to listen to everyone.  I didn't really speak because I didn't have anything to say yet being the topic was about excess skin and how it makes us feel and I don't have any yet. 

Things are really starting to look up.  Since I decided to take a year off from school to make this surgery really work, I have been looking for a job.  It has been depressing.  I didn't want to have to deal with the stress of classes, exams, etc and being away from my Dr and support system this early out in the journey.  Yesterday I sent out about 40 resumes and tomorrow I have an interview. I hope all goes well because having a job will really help me. I can save money for school and also be able to afford a gym membership at my beloved gym. 

The biggest news of today is....I no longer qualify for surgery!!!! Under the 40 BMI and I have no co-morbities so I am super excited to reach this goal.

Wishing everyone luck and blessings on their journeys no matter where they are in the process!!!
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Less than 100lbs to go!!!

Oct 23, 2011

Yipppppy!!!!! Less than 100lbs to go now. That feels super exciting. Chipping away at this mountain little by little!!! Hope everyone else's journey is going well.

Water weight gone...

Oct 21, 2011

So I have lost most of the water weight that I gained while in the hospital.  I have about 2lbs left from the 15 I gained on the IVs.  That funny feeling like I have something lodged in my throat is still there but apparently some people have posted that they have had that feeling too.  I also think I slept on my neck last night cause one side is completely swollen and hurting.  And oh boy do these incisions itch!!! But that glue stuff is awesome. I just have lines that are almost invisible and the only ones that are a little lumpy are the ones from my previous surgery that the surgeon re-opened.  Other than that today has been better...almost painless. Didn't take any pain meds for almost the whole day but took a little just to subdue the neck pain.  All in all things are going....good luck to everyone else!!!

Finally Home and officially on the loser's bench!!!!

Oct 19, 2011

Wow so all the waiting and anticipation is over.  My lap-band is out and my new RNY has been performed.  Wow I never thought everything would have happened so quickly.  I feel kind of funny on the inside and when I am drinking my fluids.  I definitely have to go extra slow.  I can't wait to get rid of these 15lbs of water weight and then start losing the real weight.  Through this short time so far I already feel like things are changing mentally.  I have been able to see who my real friends are.  It is amazing to see perfect strangers reach out to me and the people who I have known for years who know about the surgery totally dismiss me.  I am just going to focus this journey on me from here on out....purely posting about my journey with the WLS and nothing else.


About Me
Westbury, NY
Surgery Date
Mar 20, 2011
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