I was born in 1975!  As a child I was very active and loved to be outside, climbing trees, riding bike, swimming, and doing everything we would never let our children do today!  I was a "healthy" child and always a bit bigger than most of the kids my age.  I have a large bone structure and have NEVER been petite!  Looking back on my adolescence I was a normal child, I had pudge in places most girls who are moving into puberty have it, really no different from the rest of the kids.  However, I was always told when I lost a few pounds that I was doing good and I should just "maintain my weight" and then I would "look good" as I got taller!  I carried these comments inside for the rest of my life. 

I struggled with anorexia and bulimia as a teenager and was never really happy with the way I looked.  I topped out at 5'6.75" and never weighed more than 160 or less than 140.  Moving into adulthood I maintained my weight and struggled through many bad relationships with men. 

On my 21st birthday I found out I was pregnant with my first child.  I managed to keep the weight gain to a minimum and was frequently asked if I was even pregnant into my 7Th month.  Then I broke my ankle and put on 30 lbs.  I started my pregnancy at 150lbs and ended it at 193lbs.  I was able to lose weight and maintained at 165-170 for several months.  I went on the Depoprovera birth control shot when my daughter was about 6 months old and proceeded to gain 80 lbs over the next 2 years.  I maxed out at 256.   Over the next several years I was able to lose some of the weight and even saw the underside of 200 for a day!  That didn't last long and I slowly put the weight back on.  I had another child at 32 and weighed 240 at the start and was 270 when I had her.  I lost all the weight and have fluctuated between 240 and 250 ever since. 

I decided to have WLS because I am afraid of not living to see my children grow up.  I only had a weight problem until recently when my PCP was concerned about my BP being to high and put me on meds.  Being put on BP meds made this surgery possible for me.  Having never had a 2 year history of a BMI of 40 or higher on paper disqualified me from having surgery for all these years.  This was my chance to become healthier!  To give my children a younger more active mother!  I am excited to have my surgery and scared at the same time!  July 21st is the end of my journey to WLS and the beginning of my new life!

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 17, 2007
Member Since

Friends 63

Latest Blog 6
Taking the first step!
