one year surgiversary

Mar 16, 2016

Well 1 year ago I went in and had the vsg procedure. Thank God everything went well and I was able to listen to the doctor and their team I am down to 238 from 427 . Life has changed for the best. I can't believe it. Now I just need to maintain. I hope to be able to help others in the future with their journeys with wls. 

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last year at this time...

Jan 10, 2016

Well I was going over my weight chart.  And last January I was at 397 lbs. So it's really crazy to think how far I've come since then. I am 237 today. I was looking at pictures and it's truly amazing and still blows me away to think just last year I was so huge. Thank God I was able to get the guts to take the next steps and follow through with thus surgery and find and use this board. I have been so lucky to have been given these tools and support system. I feel like I still have so much more to do and learn along the way. 


6 Months post-op

Sep 20, 2015

I am 6 months out and I went to my 6 month checkup. The nutritionist said "You graduated? Now you need to start maintenece. " I was like WOW?! what does that mean I graduated? she told me I need to attend a different support group for people who reached goal weight. She also told me the hard part starts..trying to maintain. I have been upping my calories over the last few weeks and I am still loosing weight. I feel good just getting more fit. I have been adding more pushups into my biking excercising. I need to find some more time to lift weights Easyier said than done... I cant believe I am down over 180 lbs since this all started. never thoughtI would getback to my high school weight. I need more clothes, wich is exspensive. BUT, as I told the nurse practitioner and nutritionist the other day. If I had to have this surgery once a year every year to get to where I am I would do it in a minute. Luckyly I dont need to do that. I just need to follow the plan set in front of me and tweek it to me. Thanks for being there everyone.


5 months post op

Aug 15, 2015

I am 5 months post op today. I've lost 105 since surgery and I am down 170 since my highest point. I never thought I would be back at this weight ever again.  I have 5 more lbs until I get to "overweight" and not be obese. My goal is to get to that point since this is what I weighed while I was playing basketball back in college.  It's amazing how far I've come in such  a short time. I still don't recognize my reflection in the windows as I walk down a street. I was just in west Palm Beach Florida for the first week of August and the heat didn't bother me. I am very worried what winter and the cold weather has in store for me. I used to be able to go outside in shorts and a t-shirt and admire the snow storms and not really worry that it was 15 degrees outside. I keep telling myself I should start lifting weights to build my arms and legs and core back up. But I haven't started yet. I have been pretty steady with biking around town every other day or so for 30 to 45 min. My 2xt shirts are getting baggy. And so are the 2xl shorts. I still have problems drinking enough water which in turn gets me constipated. Thank God for milk of magnesium.  I have started eating more green vegetables and drinking more water and this helps tremendously.  Going out to eat is very strange, as I can't eat half of what they bring out. I felt like have been insulting the chefs at the restaurants. I don't tell people I have had this surgery and they can't believe how little I eat. I on the other hand can't believe how much everyone else eats, and that I could usually eat 2 times as much or more than them?? I do miss some things like being able to house a large hoagie or eat doughnuts and pastries by the half dozen. But that's how I got to 427. It's a beautiful day listening to the cicadas on the front porch drinking water. Oh yes coffee,  I haven't had a sip of coffee since the day before surgery.  I used to drink about a pot every day, black and strong. I made a bet with myself I wasn't hooked on the stuff so I won't even try it for a year postoperative.  I didn't want an ulcer. That's all I have today. I will be posting my 5 month photos sometime today. 



100 lbs post op

Aug 02, 2015

Well it was just pointed out to me that I am officially down over 100lbs post op. So 4 and a half months out. Good STUFF!


3 months out

Jun 16, 2015

Well today is  three months out from my surgery. I'm 288 so I'm down 139 pounds total from my highest point. I am down 72 pounds since my surgery.  Three months and down 72? Wow! I met the nutritionist and nurse practitioner. They were excited for me. I asked what was a realistic goal to shoot for as I am approaching the goal I thought they set for me. They asked why I had 261 as my goal? I told them that I forgot who it was but one time I was there and somebody told me I could expect to get to that. They said that was an estimate and I have to figure out where I feel comfortable? ?  Hmm, now I have no idea? I guess I will just keep trying to eat right and see where I go. I guess 230 245? I was this weight when I played college basketball.   


down 130 from max

May 30, 2015

I can't believe I am down 130 lbs. I feel so much better than a year ago. I still have a long way to go to get back to normal and a buddy of mine questioned me why I wanted to drop another 40 or 50? I said "dude, I'm still 300 pounds?" Then he was like really?  So I need to start lifting a little and riding the bike a little more. It's weird but my arms feel super skinny. Well that's it for now.



May 23, 2015

Well...I am under 300 lbs for the first time in over 21 years!?!? Holy crap!!! I remember the day when I got on the scale and it said 298, then the next day or 2 days later it said 300. I thought ok I hit 300 pouds, time to get back into shape. Now 21 plus years later, I am finaly going under 300. It was something I have been thinking about all weel. Wondering if I will do it this week or next. So it is this week. I am still just begining this journey only one week past my 2 month surgeversary. I have begun riding my bike again, and it is getting less difficult. I was not tired going up the small gradiant of some of my local streets. Amazingly!! I am trying to look into a safe place to ride with a little more challange beside my small comunity. My neighbor rides alot in the state park close to the house. I might frive out there and spin around, but there are some steep inclines. I guess thats why my bike has so many gears. I cant wait until my legs begin to respond to be able to run without pain again. I feel this will happen once I begin the strenghthen them a bit more. Well one major victory, on with the battle. 


2 months out

May 15, 2015

Well today is May 16th. I am two months post op. I weighed in this morning at 305. I am down 57 lbs since my surgery and 122 over all. WOW WOW WOW! This is amazing!! The family had pizza Friday last night and it was hard. I had a piece of mushroom off of one piece and a tiny little 1/4 inch piece of cheese. I like to eat the toppings, but I felt like I was wasting a piece if I did that last night? I guess its all those years as a kid were I didn't have enough food. Gotta work on that. I got weighed today instead of my usual Sunday weigh in since it was my 2 month surgiverary. I picked up my Trek 7.2 bike last night and it rides amazing. Cant wait to get used to riding again after so many years. 

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6 week dr. visit.

Apr 27, 2015

Went to the doctors for my 6 week follow up.  I am down 42lbs since my surgery. For a total of 107 lbs.  I still have a 25 lb lifting restriction. . I feel good, but they won't release me to work without restriction.  So my boss won't let me come back until all restrictions are lifted . ugh


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 10, 2015
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I'm wearing 3xl scrubs and they were WAY to small as they didn't have my 5xl available

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