And so I'm still here...

Sep 02, 2009

Yes, I am still here.  Not much to post.  Lost one lb in like 4 months. I'm not unhappy though.
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May 04, 2009

Well, it’s finally happened. I have reached onederland. I must admit, it was a tough 2 months. I’ve been hovering over it for that long. Luckily (if it’s lucky) I had to get my teeth worked on and a partial put in. Chewing was not really an option for a day or two so my protein drinks became my best friend. This must have stimulated my weight loss because I am now eating normally and still at 199. Hurray for me! I’m looking forward to my next goal of 175. Frankly, I think that might be my final goal. I’m a size 14 now, and would be close to a 10 at that weight. Sounds like a plan to me!!


Mar 23, 2009

It seems I went through 6 weeks of seeing the same numbers go up and down on the scale. Finally, they seem to have been steadily moving down. Currently 204- which is a really BIG deal to me. What’s even bigger, is I’m in a size 14. That, my friends, has been a long time coming. I was a size 14 for about an hour when I was going to college in my late 20’s. Just like every other time, I put it all back on in triplicate. I have a friend at work who’s also had the RnY, but seems to be having a lot of medical problems. That always worries me. However, I seem to be healthy as a horse. I keep shoveling the protein... make sure I eat my gummy vitamins (it’s really a high point of my day) and try to stay away from things I just KNOW are bad for me. The exercising has become a little slow, but now at a much more tolerable pace. I just don’t have THAT much in me to commit EVERY day. God even rested on the Sabbath. My sister is scheduling her lap band surgery. If I could talk her into the Rny I would, but she’s not easily swayed. Different strokes for different folks I suppose. ...Today is a good day. :o)
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Random thoughts

Jan 28, 2009

 I have not posted an entry in awhile so I thought it was time. I’m doing well, but find myself sometimes resenting folks that eat CONSTANTLY. (i.e. the folks at my work) For instance, right now everyone is eating Cuban crackers with guava paste and cream cheese. Come on, folks... there’s more calories in ONE of those than I had for my entire lunch. And, of course, the table is RIGHT outside my cube. I just hate that. On a lighter note (for real) I’ve been steadily losing.  For the past 2 weeks I have not been exercising much. It’s been really cold and my truck has no heat. I know...what an excuse. I live in Fla for craps sake. I figure I should go in waves. If I am still losing for right now, next week I’ll exercise and that aught to boost the weight loss again. I was at my peak of exercising around the end of September and it kind of made me feel bad I didn’t lose any weight for a few weeks.  Enough excuses... even though I cut WAY back on my intake when I am not exercising, I still get about 700 cal a day. 
The inches are coming off too- but not as fast because I'm not exercising as much.  I'm in a regular 16 which was my ultimate goal.  Who knew I'd be a 16 at 210???

Anyways....  more to go for sure..
Next goal?  Size 10.  Yeah, that's the ticket.  The last time I was a 10...  I think I was in grade school...
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Weight loss for 2008 and beyond...

Dec 30, 2008

5/02/08                First doctor visit                293
8/06/08                Day of Surgery                  286
Date                      Pounds Lost
8/13-8/27            20
9/3                         6
9/10                       10
9/17                       4             
9/24                       0
10/1                       3
10/8                       0
10/15                     1
10/22                     3
10/29                     2
11/5                       5
11/12                     3
11/19                     0
11/26                     4
12/3                       3
12/10                     2
12/17                     0
12/24                     0
12/31                     4  
Total in 2008 = 77lbs
1/7                          1
1/14                        1
1/21                        2
1/28                        2

It's finally over...

Dec 26, 2008

I don't mean to be a scrooge, but I'm glad that Christmas is over.  Not only was it incredibly difficult at work with all the food and goodies everyone brought in, but it seemed a different department was having a holiday breakfast, or brunch, or lunch every single day for the past 2 weeks.  They always set up the food right out side my cubicle and it gets a bit tempting after awhile.  I admit I did sucum a few times.  However, I am now down to 218.  I had gained some over the last week (3 lbs I think) but managed to take it off and more.
I've heard conflicting opinions in the chat room lately. One lady was particulary adimant that one should NOT eat carbs (bread pasta or rice) for at least 2 years after sugery.  I told her I occasionally have wheat bread and she went ballistic because I'm 5 months out.  Wow...  glad I didn't tell her about the pasta I had the other day.
I guess everyone has an opinion.  I don't want to ALWAYS tell myself NO-  seems like life would get boring.  I'm going for the  moderation idea.  I'm still losing weight-  I'm still careful-   I still exercise.   That's another thing...  I think because I exercise SO much my body requires the carbs.  Maybe she just sits arouind on her ass all day.  Who knows.


Dec 10, 2008

Gosh, I’m tired.  Didn’t sleep well last night because I was a bit sore... I played racquetball with the dh yesterday...for AN HOUR!!! I’m down to 220. That makes me happy. My friend took my picture last week and I saw it today. It’s the first time I have not looked like a ‘place’ since ...well, since I dunno.  Hair is falling out lots.. good thing I have a lot. I take my vitamins.. eat at least 80 grams of protein a day. Still, it’s falling out. Oh well.


Dec 02, 2008

When you magically drop x pounds per day or x pounds in the first week, two weeks, three weeks, etc. after surgery, it feels like a dream come true.
But: IT. WILL. STOP. Because it is NOT fat. It is WATER. This is what is happening, courtesy of Diana Cox, who is a molecular biologist Ph.D. and taught stuff like this in medical school. She makes me look smart :-).
Our bodies use glycogen for short term energy storage. Glycogen is not very soluble, but it is stored in our muscles for quick energy -- one pound of glycogen requires 4 lbs of water to keep it soluble, and the average glycogen storage capacity is about 2 lbs. So, when you are not getting in enough food, your body turns first to stored glycogen, which is easy to break down for energy. And when you use up 2 lbs of glycogen, you also lose 8 lbs of water that was used to store it -- voila -- the "easy" 10 lbs that most people lose in the first week of a diet.
As you stay in caloric deficit, however, your body starts to realize that this is not a short term problem. You start mobilizing fat from your adipose tissue and burning fat for energy. But your body also realizes that fat can't be used for short bursts of energy -- like, to outrun a sabertooth tiger. So, it starts converting some of the fat into glycogen, and rebuilding the glycogen stores. And as it puts back the 2 lbs of glycogen into the muscle, 8 lbs of water has to be stored with it to keep it soluble. So, even though you might still be LOSING energy content to your body, your weight will not go down or you might even GAIN for a while as you retain water to dissolve the glycogen that is being reformed and stored.        

measure time

Nov 30, 2008

First measurement was taken August 31st (blue), The ones in red were taken October 15.  Blue one's are taken today, Nov. 30.
Neck: 14.5      
14.25    14   14
Under arms: 46.5   
42  42    38
Breast with thin bra: 48   
44.75  44    41.5
Largest part of bicep: 21   19.25  18.5   16
Largest part of forarm: 11.5   11.5   11.5   10
Wrist: 7    
6.75   6.5    6.5
Shoulders: 50   
47.50   45.5    44
Waist: 44.5    41   39   36
Belly: 57.25 (yep, you read that right)   
52.25  49.5   47.5
Hips (biggest part of butt, but under belly sag) 52.5   
49.75  48    44
Thigh: 31   30.5   28.5    25.5
Knee: 19.5   18.5  17.25   15.75
Calf:  18.25   17.5  17   15.25
Ankle: 9.5   9.0
  8.75   8.75

This is a loss of 24.75 inches since surgery Now is a loss of 41 total inches!!! (1 week shy of 4 months out)

My weight is 222 which is 64 lbs since surgery!!

Second set of blue
# taken April 22.  8.5 months out...  weight is 205   81 lbs, 66.5 inches gone

Down a little!!

Nov 21, 2008

Hurray! I lost 2 more pounds!  227!  That makes 59lbs since surgery!
I started that monthly thing yesterday which might be why I didn't lose any weight.  Besides, I hadn't been to the pool in a week.  I'm not really fond of just working out in the gym.  I've been sick for a little over a week-
Raul and I also played racketball last night...  that was FUN!

About Me
Riverview, FL
Surgery Date
May 09, 2008
Member Since

Friends 33

Latest Blog 40
Down a little!!
