DS on Wed., 12/08 and feeling terrible.

Dec 11, 2010

   I just had my surgery on Wed. 12/08.  I have to admit I feel terrible.  I am no sissy by any means but sheez, this is trying me big time.  I had major back surgery that left me partial paralyzed for several months.  I never needed any major pain meds after I left the hospital.  With this surgery I have vomited my guts up.  I feel like I have been run down by a semi and then the driver backed up to see what he hit?  Even drinking enough water every hour causes a lot of tummy cramping and vomitting.  Everything has to be room temp.  Anything warm or cold cause cramps and vomitting.  The Dr. keeps telling me it will pass but he doesn't know when.   
      Please, somebody tell how long this lasts?  I am really anxious to get past this feeling so crappy to the stage where I get I can complain about how terrible the protein supplements taste instead of laying around feeling half dead.
     I know I am sounding like a big baby and I am so sorry.  I guess what I need is the voice of experience telling me what I have to look forward too?
Thanks for any pep talk or advice you guys can provide.

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Surgery Date
Sep 18, 2009
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