trying to be patient

Jun 02, 2009

Its hard to be patient!! I had this whole thing planned out which probably just makes God smirk, thinking that I have control of anything, HELLO... you think CANCER would have taught me that mistake.

So here I thought I would have my two surgeries and then heal and have my WLS, but we lost insurance when my husband got laid off. Now he is off again, on again with this company..fine.. its good money, but im not going to have surgery and then NOT have the insurance for the follow up visits, I did that with the whole cancer shtick, ya know... a LITTLE freakin scary!!

So... the bad news is here to.. or rather the reality of my present situation, it is what it is. I being hypoglycemic for 5 months and hypothyroid packed on MORE weight. Highest recorded weight?? 486.lbs. Scary!! Now I have this number in my head that just wont quit and I DO NOT want to be on any table until I am under 400 lbs, so I have some work cut out for me. So far in the past 6 weeks I have shaved off 15lbs. Not too bad, but certainly not like with surgery.

A little jealous I guess I have a friend going for surgery at the end of this month, I wish I was there with her so the healing could begin.

But this is my path for now. Had to vent a little. Hopefully I will be more faithful coming here again and getting myself jazzed to get back on track with all of this instead of pretending I was never on the road to wls!!


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