The next step...

Jul 27, 2015

Weigh in was today along with meeting with the surgical intake DR. (again, this is the 3rd or 4th meeting as I have been in and out of rotation here for 4 years)
Well, I lost another 6 pounds, nothing spectacular but going in the right direction.  Thirty three pounds left to lose before I have surgery so we talked today about the next step. I am going to start the programs group classes.  I did these before with another hospital so I know the drill, they will go over dietary intake, protein, ways to exercise and that sort of deal.  The hospital I went to before didn't charge, the classes were free or covered by insurance, this one is $350 so I guess that will take all of the people that aren't serious right out of the loop, right? So, I have to say I am looking forward to classes as I am hoping it will educate my family.  My huge concern is a lack of a support group after surgery.

I also saw the exercise coach today which was VERY helpful as I didn't know that a exercise I was doing was bothering my back.  I went home with lots of new things to try to help strengthen my core. YAY! :)


All, in all it was a good appointment.  When I get the cash for the class they will book those and I will be starting the NEXT STEP!!! :)


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Sep 30, 2006
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