End of the week, TGIF

Sep 26, 2013

Tomorrow is finally the end of the work week, I've been feeling exhausted since Tuesday. I'm looking forward to another parade on Saturday, it always fun to drive the go kart, but the cause is very important. For anyone reading this I am a Shriner and try to support the children's hospitals as much as possible. The last parade a spectator walked up afterward and cut a check for $200. I always find this inspiring.


For those that like to laugh

Sep 23, 2013

The movie Young Frankenstein...... Need I say more


Don't be defeated by your accomplishments

Sep 08, 2013

I do a lot of thinking( my wife says to much) but today, while being setback with chest congestion, I have changed my entire view. To many times I have seen people reach there goal weight, and somehow they change their perspective on how to continue. Many see this as victory and by implication of itself the fight is over and as result, they begin to regain weight. Which means victory has defeated them. I now view this as an accomplishment, but each accomplishment should only be met with a more challenging goal to accomplish. True victory comes at the very end when you can say, "I lived, and will gladly do it again."


2 wheels is better than 4

Aug 29, 2013

It's been very warm here in the mountains, which has made riding weather a lot better. I ride a yamaha r-6 and love going through the mountain passes. Today was a little warmer than usual but it was still a good day to ride


I choose smaller goals

Aug 27, 2013

I quote movies a lot(why? Because I like movies). One of my favorites that's a great philosophy is from The Patriot, "aim small, miss small." Smaller weekly or daily goals are a lot easier to achieve, and in the end boost self esteem more. I can set a goal to loose one pound this week, and it's far easier to achieve then  a long term goal of loosing 30 pounds in six months. Goal accomplished, self esteem boosted, and I'll feel stronger about setting a larger goal for the next week. Although a long term goal isn't a bad thing to have, it can cause mental roller coasters when you have nothing to quickly achieve and reward yourself


Heaven wrapped in paper grilled to perfection

Aug 26, 2013

There are certain guilty pleasures that I will never say no to, nothing beats a double double animal style. All things in moderation, but LIVE LIFE!

1 comment


Aug 25, 2013

After posting my before and after pics yesterday I was asked how I've managed to keep the weight off this long with continued success. That answer is very simple and comes from my pre-op psychiatrist. A person needs to find inspiration in something greater than them self, not an authority, but rather a higher power. A belief that they are not alone and will always be watched over


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Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2013
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