I've been a loaner. I've pretty much always been a loaner. I've kept quiet and to myself through all of my life's ups and downs (of course I kept quiet by overeating). (I wish to change this about me). I don't want to continue being a loaner.

It seems I've relied on my work and junk food to fill up my time. Which is crazy. I'm also a single mom. Soon my daughter will be 21 years old. Much of my life has been running back and forth to and from work. Streching my budget to provide for our needs. And feeling really alone.

So here goes, I'm going to be more open. I'm going to be more honest. I'm going to learn to ignore my head, emotional, stress hunger. I'm going to attend WLS support groups sponsored by my surgeon. I'm going to participate in online WLS support groups.

And the plan is to become the person I truly want to be. I want to be healthy and active. I want to not obsess on food. I want food to not hold any importance to me but to only be a tool for my survival. I want to be heart healthy. (I had a heart attack ten years ago followed by cardiac bypass surgery). I want to be confident. I want to talk and converse with others with more ease. I want to be more active in my church. I want my prayer time to be more focused on praise and less focused on wants/needs/whines.

Gosh, I think this is a poor story. I'm looking forward to making changes and posting a new richer story in the future. Oh another thing, I plan to practice more patience and kindness with myself (and others).

About Me
Aug 29, 2011
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