My WLS journey 1/20/14

Jan 29, 2014

This is going to be my WLS second time around.  Eleven years ago I went through everything I needed to go through to get approved for WLS.  My primary doctor advocated for me, and it was approved.  I had my surgery at Orange Coast Memorial Hospital.

I never felt that i did that great.  I was ashamed to even pursuit that I had stretched out my pouch.  Five years ago a surgeon told me I had a hernia.  I put it off because I did not want to have pain.  As my job situation is changing radically I may not have a job so I asked my doctor if he could look at the integrity of the pouch.  I was glad there was something wrong, in a way.  The surgeon was adamant that he would not do a redo as it is very complicated and a long case.  After UGI, through my own persuasion, showed there was a fistula (an opening).  And then the fun stared!!!!

  So January 20, 2014 was my day!  I will continue to work and come here to this area for me to write down my feelings and what I am going through with this new adventure in my life!

May people find what they want and need!   Blessings and success to you all!!!







About Me
Westminster, CA
Dec 14, 2013
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