One-month Checkup

Jun 01, 2013

Saw Dr. Katz for my one month checkup on 5/29/13.  I was disappointed that I had only lost 12 lbs in four weeks.  His scale showed I lost 14 lbs.  But, I had lost 17.5 lbs of fat, and gained 10 lbs of water and 3.5 lbs of muscle.  So I guess I did better than I thought. 

Told him I couldn't tolerate stage 4 foods, so he said to stick to stage 3 another week or so and try again.  Said my stomach was still healing.  We discussed problems with constipation, and all the meds I've been taking with no results.  He suggested I follow up with my gastroenterologist.  Told him I still had thrush in my mouth, and I had finished the Nystatin prescription.  He said to give it more time.  Continue taking acidophilus tablets.


My surgery pre-op

May 09, 2013

I went through the 3 month surgery preop.  I did the myriad of medical clearances and preadmission testing.  I decided on the roux en y surgery, because I was told that that was the best choice for people who have an addiction to sweets.

My surgery was on 4/29/13.  What a saga.  In addition to the roux en y surgery, I awoke from anesthesia and was told that I also needed to have my gallbladder removed, umbilical hernia repair, hiatal hernia repair, and bowel resection.  The 5 days in the hospital was filled with pain, mediocre nursing care, and extreme thirst (5 days with no fluids).  On the second try on day 4 post-op, the barium swallow test showed the fluid went through.  Heaven.  I could have a medicine cup of water stretched over one hour.

I've been home from the hospital for 5 days.  Extreme exhaustion.  Belly pain improving, but not good.  Lots of reflux.  Clear fluids.  So boring.  Difficult with family cooking and eating around me.  The smells are torture, but I truly have no hunger.

Went to first follow-up checkup today.  Doctor told me the fatigue and weakness I have is to be expected due to the extensive surgery I received.  He advance me to stage 2 diet (milk, yogurt, applesauce, protein drinks).  Heaven after clear liquids for 1-1/2 weeks.  He also said I need to stay home from work for an additional 1-2 weeks (I was supposed to return after 2 weeks).  So, it has been a difficult past 10 days since surgery.  I truly hope I start feeling better soon.

My daughter's senior prom is tomorrow, then all the graduation festivities.  I must get myself stronger so that  I can accomplish all the things I want to do.  It will be so hard to attend and plan parties but not be able to eat anything, but I knew that when I signed up for this.


Janice's Journey Begins

May 09, 2013

I've been steadily gaining weight since my 20's and 30's, about 10 lbs a year.  To the point that I doubled my body weight since marriage at age 23 to the present.  I tried everything, Weight Watchers (got lifetmine membership 3 times for reaching goal), gym memberships, psychological eating assistance programs, and many other weight loss diets.  I could get 20-30-40 lbs off, only to gain it all back and more when life hit a bump in the road.

I went to my primary doctor in Jan 2013 for my annual checkup.  I decided about 2 years ago that I would be "fat and happy".  Well, my weight had reached 299 lbs, 5'8", age 53.  My doctor told me that I'd most likely be dead in 10 years.  I am already on BIPAP, and he said I am most likely going to acquire diabetes and obesity related cancers in the future.  I was shocked.  Three years ago I had a thyroidectomy and I am in perimenopause.  I go to water aerobics 3-4X a week, exercising 2 hours at a time.  I eat healthfully, except for my "addiction" to sweets.

So I immediately went on a diet (I refused to hit the 300 lb mark) and signed up for a bariatric information session at our local hospital (and employer).


About Me
Surgery Date
May 03, 2013
Member Since

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