summewe 19 years, 12 months ago

Janine - Congratulations on your awesome journey! Have a wonderful Anniversary.

Janine C. 19 years, 12 months ago

6/15/04, As I approach my 2 year mark I find myself reading my profile and in awe of this fantastic journey I've been on. I recalulated my BMI and for the first time in my life I am NORMAL WEIGHT!! I can not believe it. To those of you beginning your journey, stay positive, be strong and know that although it will not be an easy certainly will be fruitful! Best of luck and health to you all. :) Janine

MnShadows 21 years, 4 months ago

Janine, Congratulations on your huge sucess. I am sure there are lots more happy days to come. Keep it up. Hugs and smiles..

Debbie M. 21 years, 4 months ago

Janine - Congratulations on your weight loss!! You have done wonderfully!!

Janine C. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hello Family! well 4 months and 10 days into my journey and I feel amazing!!!! People are noticing the weight loss and the attitude has sky rocketed! I'm - 81 # ...i havent been this weight in over 15 years! Good luck to those starting their journey this week. God Bless :) JC

Janine C. 21 years, 8 months ago

Well here I am, entering my 8th week as a loser and I feel terrific!! I am down 46.1 pounds and people are starting to notice a difference. It feels wonderful! I had a problem eating out of the blue, wound up that I needed a dilatation...since then no problems. I haven't been on the site as often as I would like...but I just wanted to share my news and wish all of the "losers to be" a successful and happy journey to the losing side. God Bless the AMOS family. JC :)

Janine C. 21 years, 10 months ago

Well here I am....11 days post-op and I feel GREAT! I've had the occassional pain in the belly, other than that I am wonderful. I've been able to tolerate EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I put in my mouth. I'm never hungry and that is definitely a first in 34 years for me. Did I mention I am in LOVE with my surgeon? You couldn't find a more compassionate, caring, intelligent and gentle man out there. I am telling you he was wonderful. As a matter of fact, the entire surgical team at my hospital was wonderful and soooooo nice. I am very pleased with my choice. Life on the other side is very different, a complete life change...but I am enjoying it and look forward to the benefits. To everyone who sent their prayers and support I thank you so much. The AMOS family has been wonderful to me. Thanks! JC :)

Luisa F. 21 years, 10 months ago

I just wanted everyone to know that i was at the hospital when janine had her surgery, and what a trooper i was more nervous then she was. I stood there as the doctors came in to take away to surgery i was literally sick to my stomach i thought i would throw up, as for janine she was all smiles and not at all nervous. I spent the morning with her mom which may i mention is a sensational woman that had nothing but wonderful things to say about her daughter whom she loves immensely. When the surgery was over her doctor came into the waiting room to talk to us. He told us that janine was doing great she went under smiling and joking and she woke up smiling and joking "Thats janine the kind of person you want around on ur worst day to lift ur spirits and make you smile". We visited her in recovery and i got to say she looked like hell(haha) but she spoke to me and told me she was fine and you know what guys she was fine, recovering and resting comfortably. I went to see her the very next day afraid of what i migh find, you see am having surgery myself on August 14th same hospital same surgeron so its was very important to me that she was doing well. OH BOY i walked in and there she was sitting up on the bed looking great, smiling, joking, moving around with some difficulty but moving around none the less. i felt incredible and i thanked god several times. She was in pain but nothing the morphine couldnt handle. GOD BLESS HER..... AND TO YOU MY BUDDY JANINE I WANT TO WISH U THE BEST AND ALL MY LOVE AND PRAYERS THAT U WILL CONTINUE TO RECOVER WELL, THANK U FOR BEING THERE FOR ME AND FOR CONTINUEING TO TELL ME EACH DAY THAT AM GOING TO BE OKAY. I LOVE YOU........

Janine C. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hi Everyone! Well here I am...a LOSER for 6 days now. Only had one rough day in the hospital, other than that I am doing well. Just a little sore and finding it very difficult to distinguish what is gas and what may be a BM. :) Thanks to everyone who sent their well wishes,prayers and words of wisdom. To everyone making their way over to the losing side this strong, get yourself up and walking asap AND stay positive! :) JC

JMCnRCC 21 years, 10 months ago

Janine, reading your profile about your deposition made me cry. I am so sorry that you had to go through that, but sad to say I know how you feel. I will be joining you on the losing side August 8th. I am nervous and scared too, but keep your chin up and ask God to protect you. I know you will have a speedy recovery. Janice
About Me
Bloomfield, NJ
Surgery Date
Apr 18, 2002
Member Since
