Lower Body Lift on May 11, 2009!

May 21, 2009

Well, here I am 10 days out from my lower body lift on May 11, 2009.  My bandages are off, my 4 JP drains are out, the swelling's going down and I can see my new shape emerging already.  The incision looks great, no infection, no bruising.  Doc wants me to wear a Spanxx-type garment for a little while and to apply a vitamin-E cream to soften the incision.

I'm off my vicodin as of yesterday and just had a couple of tylenol today.  No pain to speak of, just an odd, tight feeling like I have an inflatable corset.  

I am so, so grateful to have been able to start on my plastics and am thinking of having my arms/breasts done in September.
Life is good and I am blessed beyond expectation.

