8 months out & I feel pretty agian

Apr 05, 2009

Hi all... its been a while since I blogged so I figured i would post an update. I am down 106 lbs yeah me! I like where I am at right now but my dr would like to see 15 more pounds gone... I hope it's in my calfs. I work out 3 to 4 times  a week and stick to a well balanced diet still do not eat bread or a lot of diary they really don't agree with me. I stay away from sugar but learned i have to have a lil bit so I try to get it by drinking Vitamin water other than that its water and lemon for me nothing else. But I was staying completly away from sugar and ended up having a sugar attack. All in all I love the new me and would do it agian in a min actually a second!
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Long time

Oct 28, 2008

I have not been on in a while... Just thought that I would send a little update. I am down 65 pounds & feeling fantastic

Still am not able to eat a  lot of different foods but really don't care... not hungry at all. Eat aout a 1/2 cup of food for each meal still and try t stick with foods I know are ok with me... Likes salads and veggies some pasta and grilled chicken... No bread at  alI i really only drink water or tea.

So glad I did this.... Finally I'm happy with my body!

Back to work

Sep 08, 2008

I went back to work today... it felt good to get back to the real world. I was able to get a lot of fluid in and did very well with eating today. Tomorrow I wat to be a little more prepared. Figured I would make some egg salad so I could get a lil more protien in. I am now down under 200 lbs and it feels great!

Doing well

Sep 01, 2008

I have been feeling really good, Thursday was my first appt with the surgeons office since the surgery. I am down to 203. I am low on iron so and Phospherous so I have to start taking a few supplements so now I am on...Iron, Phos, Calcium, B-12, Biotin, Prilosec and 2 multi vits per day....Never took so many pills in my life.
I have been able to get out ore and I am released to go back to work on 9-8....Can't wait!
I still have not been able to eat to much but a couple of bites... Yogurt, cottage cheese, Tuna and Scrambled eggs give me no problems but anything else I have tried does... tried a bite of fish and nope that did not work... Strange... Starting to get the hang of things and loving the weight lost....

I'll keep you all posted and hope everyone else is doing well...Thanks for all the support!

Getting out of the house!

Aug 20, 2008

I was able to get out of the house today with my sister and the kids. We took them to the park. There is a big sprinkler setup there that the kids had a blast in.
I packed my tuna and 2 small crackers for lunch. It was pretty hot out and I found it hard to steer away from the liquids after lunch... But I did make it & didn't drink anything for 30 min before &  60 min after my meals today. 
 The tuna seems to agree with me and so far so do scrambled eggs. I had about 4 bites of eggs and a very small piece of toasted bread for Breakfast.

It is a lot harder to get all the liquids in when you can't drink for 4.5 hours out of every day. I am going to have to bump up my hourly ounes to catch up.

Went for a late walk with the boys today on a trail we have in the neighborhood. I walked about a mile in 30 min. I could have done a lot more but it was getting to dark. I will remember to start earlier tomorrow.

2 weeks out tomorrow!

Aug 19, 2008

So 2 weeks have already gone by.....I am now able to add a little bit more to my diet. Tomorrow will start the scrambled egg & tuna week...I am finding it a bit easier to get all my liquids in since I am a lot more comfortable with drinking lately.

My tongue is all better... Thank God. It took a few days but now all is well... things are not tasting to bad or bitter anymore. But Sweet things really kill me.... I can't take the sugar which is good casue I can't have sugar......The bad taste must be Gods way of steering me clear of the sugary drinks!
I  tried some berry pomegranate crystal lite and really like it. The only thing is with flavored waters or juices it starts to burn my throat after a while...Since I am so used to watered down beverages.
Water is going down a lot better but I still get a little cramping when drinking it straight. I have added a little lemon or a squeeze of orange and that seems to help.
I did have a little episode yesterday when eating some soup. I went to Wegmans and bought one of the ready made soups. Figured I would have some soup for dinner... Get a little extra liquid in.... Well bad idea ......I had a veggie soup and nibbled on some of the very well cooked broccolli and was so sick after for about 45 minutes...........Needless to say I will never eat that Soup agian.  I baically hung out in the bathroom with a cool towel on my head sweating it out until the sick feeling went away.
Other than that everything has gone pretty smoothly. I got out this weekend and did some school shopping with the boys and sat out by the pool to get a little color. I am planning to take them to the park tomorrow and do some more walking!
I am getting around a lot better lately and have hardly any pain.! YEAH!!!!


Getting Better

Aug 11, 2008

Hi All!
Things are gradually getting better and better. I find myself getting stronger everyday & everyday I have less & less pain
I was actually able to get outside and walk more today since our weather here decided to cooperate! 
I did have a lil bit of a set back tate last night before bed...When I brushed my teeth 1/2 my tongue was bright red an raw. I put ambesol on it to relieve some of the pain so I could get some sleep.

This morning I called my DR.......The nurse at his office says its my body reacting to the surgery and change in diet. She said it should get better. She said sometimes people develope a thin film in their mouth for a few weeks. Figures that would happen to me....I actually noticed something different the other day drinks I use to love seemed to have a bitter after taste... She says its because of this.

She gave me a few helpful tips to get more fluid in since I am only getting about half of what I should in. I find that water does not stay down to well it gives me a very cramping feeling. Luckily watered down apple juice and decaffinated tea works very well for me with no bitter after taste.
I have gotten use to my protien shake and am currenly on 4 ounces 3 times a day.

I have definatly found that finding a comfortable position to sleep in is a huge challenge.... I must have like 15 pillows on my bed. mostly for support.

On the brighter side........
The gas pains have gotten much better.... thank GOD for GAS X!
I am hoping to get out of the house and do a lil something this weekend,
I am going out of my mind sitting here doing nothing.

I am Home

Aug 09, 2008

So I came home from the hospital yesterday. I had a very smooth surgery. I was at the hospital at 9:45, My step mom, my oldest son & my son's father came with me.
As soon as I checked in a nurse called me into my room to get changed and set up my IV. (I hate needles & really hate IV's) she did very well. The only thing is that it was very sore for my entire stay in the hospital.
She also gave me a few pills to take and a shot in my stomach....Boy did that burn!
Before I new it I was called down to surgery at 11:45(my surgery was not scheduled until 1:45.
But I was actually down in the surgical holding area until 1:30...at least thats the last time I checked the clock.
My anesthesiologist was fantastic he was so nice. Dr Fitzer said a quick hello before they rolled me down and the anesthesiologist gave me a quick shot to make me sleepy. Boy did that work!
Then they took me to the operating room. All I remember is that they put the decompressor boots on me and blew up my bed to slide me onto the operating table....

Next thing you know I was waking up and in terrible pain. It seemed like forever but it was actually just about 30 min. I couldn't open my eyes so the nurse kept asing me my pain level and kept giving my mre meds till it felt better.
Don't remember much about the first night except that I was extremely sleepy. I had a bunch of visitors but couldn't stay awake.
The next day was better but I just didn't want to be alone so I did cry a bit mid afternoon. I ended up calling my family to come to the hospital and stay with me earlier than they expected.
Yesterday I felt a lot better... I was moving around more and able to drink more. They let me go home about 1pm.
So now I am home and hanging in there trying to get all my liquid in & protien ... pills and walking. So far so good, but very gassy.

We will see how this goes!


Aug 05, 2008

So tomorrow is the big day...Yes I am very nervous but the nerves just started.... So I have my bag packed and am about to take my last sip of water. I have been on clear liquids since Saturday and to tell you the truth it was not that bad... I Got used to it after the first day.
Going to try to get some sleep! Have to be at the hospital at 9am so I will be get back to you all when I get home!


Jul 28, 2008

Getting ready to hit the sheets... I had a horrible day today and I'm exhausted!. I am starting to get nervous about the surgery. I am very excited but aslo a bit nervous and anxious. Of course I am going to go through with it... Just thinking to much I guess.

I hd my pre op and Fitness Consult on Friday everything went great I also went in for a weight check and was doen 1 more pound to 217. Great HUh! Can't wait till the punds really start dropping....

Well my surgery is only a week away... I am going to go out tomorrow to pick up my vitamins and post up goodies so the house is stocked when I get home from the hospital.

I also have to grab some Posicles and Jello for my 3 days of liquid diet starting Sunday...Actually 2 weeks of liquid diet if you include the weeks after surgery!

About Me
Whitesboro, NY
Surgery Date
Jun 16, 2008
Member Since

Friends 60

Latest Blog 18
Long time
Back to work
Doing well
Getting out of the house!
2 weeks out tomorrow!
Getting Better
I am Home
